Alcohol Treatment in Ireland 2011 to 2017
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: Make Patients Partners in Therapy
Research findings amalgamated for the American Psychological Association show that outcomes of psychosocial treatments are substantially improved when clients and therapists agree on goals and methods and form collaborative relationships...
Nomination Open for World Youth Prize 2019
How to apply: Submit the story of the nominee by the nominator with relevant proof of works at iyc [dot] youthenvoy [at] iyc-hq [dot] org.
Nomination can be done by past winners, university professors, President or Prime Minister of a country & Member of...
La prevención en manos de los jóvenes: Herramientas pedagógicas en prevención del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y mitigación de su impacto, para líderes de organizaciones juveniles
El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social entrega a los jóvenes este documento de prevención y mitigación del impacto del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA), para que sean los mismos jóvenes quienes den las respuestas adecuadas a...
Marco técnico de acción para orientar las acciones de reducción del consumo de drogas en el Sistema Penitenciario y Carcelario
El documento de marco técnico de acción para orientar las acciones de reducción del consumo de drogas en el Sistema Penitenciario y Carcelario fue elaborado con la asesoría de la Corporación Viviendo, en el marco del Proyecto “Apoyo...
Reducción del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en el ámbito universitario
El Ministerio Justicia y del Derecho, en asocio con la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC), viene liderando el desarrollo de herramientas prácticas que contribuyan a mejorar el quehacer preventivo y de...
Families First
Alcohol Consumption and Parenthood
Drug Prevention Tree Plantation in Pakistan
Drug Prevention Tree Plantation held today at Govt. Degree College for Women China Scheme Lahore. Muhammad Ayub Senior Advisor DAP-Colombo Plan, Syed Zulfiqar Hussain Consultant, Anti Drugs/Narcotics Campaign, Ms.Madiha Shah Admin Officer...
People Who Don't Drink May Still Suffer Harms from Alcohol
The consumption of alcohol carries a risk of adverse health and social consequences related to its intoxicating, toxic and dependence-producing properties (WHO).
When assessing alcohol-related harm estimates primarily focus on the...
E-Collection: Alcohol Consumption and Harmful Use of Alcohol
Webinar: Compassionate Pragmatism an Integrative Approach to Treating Problematic Substance Use
Andrew Tatarsky, Ph.D., Founder and Director The Center for Optimal Living will take us through a harm reduction approach which has compassion at its centre. This webinar looks at harm reduction across the range of risk behaviours...
The Substance Use Intervention Team: A Preliminary Analysis of a Population-level Strategy to Address the Opioid Crisis at an Academic Health Center
Objective: In 2017, an academic health center in Chicago launched the multidisciplinary Substance Use Intervention Team (SUIT) to address opioid misuse across 18 inpatient units and in a new outpatient addiction medicine clinic. This report...
Immigration Status and Substance Use Disorder-Related Mortality in Sweden
Objectives: First-generation immigrants, in many countries, are healthier than their native counterparts. This study examined the association between first- and second-generation immigrant status and alcohol- or drugs other than alcohol...
Prevalence of Undiagnosed PTSD among In-Patients in an SUD Treatment Centre
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common co-ocuring disorder among patients with substance use disorders. Treatment of PTSD improves SUD treatment outcome. Many studies show that a large number of patients with co-morbid PTSD do...
Psychoactive Substance Dependence in Females: A Three Year Review
Psychoactive substance use was regarded as a male affair in the past. However, recent findings show an increasing number of females are getting involved. We conducted a three year retrospective review of patients admitted to the Centre for...
Supuesto Uso Medicinal De Cannabis: Las Razones Por Las Que Cada Vez Más Científicos Y Médicos Lo Rechazan
Este artículo de CIPER habla sobre el supuesto uso medicinal de cannabis. El artículo sugiere cuatro pasos para decidir si debe usar una sustancia para usos medicinales.
Inside Health Podcast- E-cigarettes, Prehabilitation before surgery, Hospital safety
This Inside Health podcast discusses why vaping is dividing public health experts causing a polarised split; prehabilitation before cancer surgery and the benefits of preparing for an operation; plus can hospital safety be compared to...
Training Workshop on "Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral for Treatment"
The objective of this two day training workshop "Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)" was to train mental health professionals so that they could identify substance use problems, help their clients if they are...
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