Alcohol and Older People
Invitation to Conduct Research
The Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Drug and Alcohol Task Force, in conjunction with Southside Partnership and Dublin Rathdown Community Addiction Team, invites submissions from suitably qualified parties to conduct a research project to commence...
Drug Use In Nigeria
Treatment of Stimulant Use Disorders: Current Practices and Promising Perspectives
The Link between the Marketing of Opioid Products with Mortality from Opioid-Related Overdoses
Alcohol Treatment in Ireland 2011 to 2017
Alcohol Consumption and Parenthood
Inside Health Podcast- E-cigarettes, Prehabilitation before surgery, Hospital safety
This Inside Health podcast discusses why vaping is dividing public health experts causing a polarised split; prehabilitation before cancer surgery and the benefits of preparing for an operation; plus can hospital safety be compared to...
A Cross-Journal Call for Papers- Substance Use, Misuse and Dependence: Prevention and Treatment
Substance use and misuse affect people worldwide, of all ages and from all walks of life, resulting in a substantial burden of ill health and mortality, and presenting big challenges in prevention and treatment.
PLOS Medicine is planning...
The Increased Trend of Non-drinking Alcohol Among Adolescents: What Role Do Internet Activities Have?
Adfam Case Study Call: Inter-parental Conflict, Alcohol and Children
Adfam, Tavistock Relationships and OnePlusOne are working on a project aiming to reduce the impact of inter-parental conflict on children in families affected by alcohol misuse.
They are looking for parents, whose partner has had issues...
Prevalence and Pattern of Psychoactive Substance Use among Female Students in North India
The frequent collection, analysis and publication of data on psychoactive substance use among young people is essential to follow trends which can be used to inform practice and public health policy.
In India, psychoactive substance use is...
A Promising Alternative to Opioid Pain Medications
There is a growing problem of misuse of prescription opioids, opioid addiction, and overdose. This highlights the crucial need for finding an addiction-free alternative medication that can be used to treat severe pain.
Researchers are...
Magnitude of Substance Use in India
National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program
Wastewater analysis is widely applied internationally as a tool to measure and interpret drug
use within national populations, with the current national program in Australia representing world best practice.
Addiction Journal Podcast: March 2019
The latest Addiction Journal Podcast gives listeners a snapshot overview of the research that has been published in the March edition of the Addiction Journal.
Asia Pacific Evaluation Association - APEA-2019 Manila, Philippines
Workshop “Towards Evidence-Based Voluntary National Reviews: Strengthening National Evaluation Capacities in Asia” will be hosted by UNICEF on 25th February 2019 at the Marco Polo Hotel in Manila.
Parliamentarians’ Session at the Senate of...
National Cannabis Survey, fourth quarter 2019
Statistics Canada has been conducting the National Cannabis Survey every three months since February 2018.
The main objective of the NCS is to monitor changes in cannabis-related behaviours during the period preceding and following...
Survey: The National Centre for Clinical Research on Emerging Drugs
The purpose of this survey is to seek your opinions on areas for the treatment of substance use disorder due to methamphetamine and other emerging drugs of concern that would benefit from the conduct of clinical research.
Emerging drugs of...
"Everything is Telling You to Drink"
The focus on the individual's wider surroundings has given rise to the concept of Alcogenic environment, whereby features, such as alcohol outlet accessibility or marketing, within a person’s surroundings influence patterns of alcohol...
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