Tackling Youth Substance Use with 12-Step Programmes
A new study recently published in the academic journal Addiction suggests that substance use treatment programmes that incorporate 12-step practices, such as that used by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), are more effective for combatting...
Child Mental Health Problems Increase Risk of Addiction, Study Finds
A new study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP) suggests there to be a correlation between childhood psychiatric disorders and an increased risk of developing addiction in adulthood.
...Family Therapy for Adolescents with Behavioural Problems
Multidimensional family therapy addresses:
- Mental health, substance use and other behavioural issues affecting young people
- The parents’ childrearing skills/personal functioning
- Parent-child communication/relationship
- Family members'...
Adolescents Most Susceptible to Addiction, Study Finds
The developmental stage from adolescence to adult is often associated with a greater vulnerability to addictions than at any other point during the human life cycle.
Suggested reasons for this include:
- Genetic predisposition
- Poor...
هغه عوامل چې د میتادون د ساتنې درملنې په جریان کې د نیکوتین انحصار سره تړاو لری
هدفونه: سګرټ څښل د مخدره توکو کاروونکو ترمنځ د منفی روغتیا پایلو سره تړاو لری ، پشمول د درملنې په شمول. په هرصورت ، تر دې دمه په مخ پر ودې هیوادونو کې د اپیایډ انحصار درملنې ترلاسه کونکو خلکو کې د سګرټ څښلو نمونې په اړه لږ شواهد شتون...
ای سګریټ د دودیزو سګریټو په پرتله لږ روږدی ، مطالعه موندل
ای سګریټ د دودیزو سګریټو په پرتله لږ روږدی دی، د یوې نوې څیړنې له مخه چې په مخنیوونکی طب کې خپور شوی.
هغه وویل، شاوخوا 75٪ ای سګریټ څکوونکی اوس هم ځانونه د استعمال پورې اړه لری.
د دې تر څنګه ، د درملو شاهی ټولنه سپارښتنه کوی چې درمل...
څیړنه د متحده ایالاتو په ځینو هیوادونو کې د کینابیس کارول ډیروی
په تیرو څو لسیزو کې ، متحده ایالات د بنګ کنټرول پالیسیو کې نوی پړاو ته ننوتلی.
د نومبر تر 2016 پورې ، د متحده ایالاتو 28 ایالتونو او واشنګټن ډی سی د درملو اهدافو لپاره د چرس کارول قانونی کړی و.
له دې څخه اته او واشنګټن ډی سی هم اوس په...
Non-Medical Prescription Opioid & Heroin Use among Adolescents Who Engage in Sports
OBJECTIVES: Previous research has found that adolescent athletes may be at increased risk of non-medical prescription opioid use (NPOU) due to injuries. Although adolescent athletes are at an increased risk of engaging in NPOU, it...
د ځوانانو لپاره د روږدو د مخنیوی په برخه کې څه نوی دی؟
د امریکا د بالغو سګرټو څکوونکیو لخوا کارول شوی میتودونه پریږدې ، ۲۰۱۴ – ۲۰۱۶
د دې لپاره چې د سګرټ څکوونکیو د ۱۰ څخه د لاس اخیستو د رواجولو د کچې د کمولو لپاره ، موږ د یو ملی استازی د اوږدی تاویلډینال ( ۲۰۱۴ – ۲۰۱۶ ) څخه د امریکا د بالغو سګرټو څکوونکیو د آنلاین سروې ( n = 1 5 ، 9 4 3 ) معلوماتو څخه کار اخیستی...
Mortality Risk During and After Opioid Substitution Treatment
To compare the risk for all cause and overdose mortality in people with opioid dependence during and after substitution treatment with methadone or buprenorphine and to characterise trends in risk of mortality after...
The Societal Cost of Heroin Use Disorder in the United States
Heroin use in the United States has reached epidemic proportions. The objective of this paper is to estimate the annual societal cost of heroin use disorder in the United States in 2015 US dollars.
An analytic...
A Growing Issue: An Increased Number Are Entering Drug Treatment for Cannabis Use Across Europe
New research published in the journal European Addiction Research paints a picture of drug treatment services for cannabis-related problems between 2003 – 2014 across 22 European countries.
Notably, it suggests that, on the whole, during...
Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: What's There to Learn?
This misuse of prescription opioids is a major public health challenge. Buprenorphine-naloxone (bup-nx) is typically used to treat opioid use disorders. However, the drug’s clinical trial primarily involved heroin users. It was therefore...
Can Depression Lead to E-Cigarette Use?
There remain many unanswered questions regarding the health effects of e-cigarettes. A new study published in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco suggests that there may be a link between e-cigarette use among university students and depression...
Affluence and Academic Pressure: Two Factors That Lead to Drug Abuse?
A new study published in the journal Development and Psychopathology claims to have found a positive link between affluence, high academic performance and drug and alcohol use.
Such findings are important because it has previously only...
د الکولو د بې نظمیو لپاره ممکنه نوې درملنه؟
نوې څېړنې چې په ژورنال کې چاپ شوې د بیولوجیو پسیکیټری د الکولیزم د درملنې لپاره ناولی لارې ته وایی. دا به په خپله د الکولو د اغېزو د بدلولو پر ځای د څښاک انګېزه کمه کړی. په حقیقت کې، څیړنه ادعا کوی چې یو نوی میکانیزم یې کشف کړی چې د...
How Do We Tackle the Opioid Epidemic?
The over-prescription of opioids is a significant public health issue in the United States. For example, opioids are often prescribed for minor injuries unnecessarily. This, in turn, increases the risk of addiction.
New research presented...
Receptivity to Tobacco Ads Linked to Smoking Susceptibility Among Youth
There is a strong link between receptivity to tobacco product advertisements and susceptibility to smoking cigarettes later in life, according to new research published in the journal Pediatrics. Put simply, the study suggests that the more...
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