Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Synthetic Pot: Not Your Grandfather’s Marijuana
In the early 2000s in Europe and shortly thereafter in the USA, it was reported that ‘legal’ forms of marijuana were being sold under the name K2 and/or Spice. Active ingredients in K2/Spice products were determined to be synthetic...
د مخدره توکو په درملنه کې درمل: ماشومانو ته د خطرونو سره مبارزه - یو کال وروسته
دا 'یو کال وروسته' راپور د مخدره توکو درملنې کې د اډفام درملو موندنو او وړاندیزونو ته پراختیا ورکوی: ماشومانو ته د خطرونو سره مبارزه ، چې په 2014 کې خپره شوې ، او د اپیوایډ بدیل درملنې (OST) کې کارول شوی وړاندیز شوی درملو لخوا رامینځته شوی...
Medications in Drug Treatment – Tackling the Risks to Children
This report examines cases where children have died or come to harm from ingesting Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST) medicines prescribed to help people overcome drug addiction. There have been 17 Serious Case Reviews involving the...
Families, Drugs and Alcohol - Policy and Research since 1984
The past 30 years has seen a huge amount of change in the policy, practice and politics around both families and drug/alcohol (‘substance’) use. Laws, behaviours and public perceptions have all altered substantially. As part of Adfam’s 30th...
د اسټرالیا د نشه یی توکو او الکولو د کاروونکو د کورنیو د تعصب سره مبارزه
د نیشه یی توکو او نشه یی توکو کارول د اوږدې مودې لپاره سره تړاو لری، او په دې وروستیو کلونو کې دوی د بحث او د څېړنې د مخ په زیاتیدونکو بدن وو. خو په همدې ډول چې ډیری وختونه کورنۍ د نشه یی توکو د پالیسۍ په نورو بحثونو کې نه وی ، د هغوی لید د...
Becoming Visible: The Somali Community and Substance Use in London
In 2006 Adfam was awarded a three year grant by the Department for Communities and Local Government to work with the Somali community around substance use and family support in London. Becoming visible gives an overview of the issues...
Crime and Social Impacts of Alcohol
Alcohol-related crime and social disorder is estimated to cost UK taxpayers £11bn per year, at 2010/11 prices.[1]
Alcohol-related crime makes up a substantial portion of violent offences across the UK (47% in England and Wales in 2014/15...
د انګلستان د مخدره توکو د ناوړه ګټه اخیستنې درملنې سیسټم بیاکتنه
د عامې روغتیا انګلستان پدې وروستیو کې خپره شوې بیاکتنه په ډاګه کوی چې د هیواد د مخدره توکو ناوړه ګټه اخیستنې درملنې سیسټم ښه فعالیت کوی. په هرصورت ، لاهم ډیری ساحې شتون لری چې د پرمختګ غوښتنه کوی.
د راپور د موندنو په منځ کې، د پام وړ دی...
Plans for a Smoke-Free Finland Gather Pace
Finland plans to cut consumption of tobacco products - in any form – to less than 2% among adults by 2040. As is the case with many industrialised countries, Finland’s smoking rates have decreased in recent years as a result of various...
New Online Training for Practitioners, Peer Mentors and Service Managers
This new platform allows substance misuse, probation and prison services to upskill their workforces in a scalable and consistent way, and optimise their use of the digital behaviour change programme Breaking Free.
Service providers can...
Healthy Nightlife Toolbox - Resources for Creating Safer Nightlife Settings
The Healthy Nightlife Toolbox (HNT) is an international initiative that focuses on the reduction of harm from alcohol and drug use among young people.
The Healthy Nightlife Toolbox collects and provides information on evidence-based...
Free Resource for Evaluating Drug Prevention and Treatment Interventions
The Evaluation Instruments Bank (EIB) is an online database of freely available resources for evaluating drug prevention and treatment programmes and initiatives. You can search the archive by type of intervention (treatment or prevention)...
د تمباکو او سرطان : په مکسیکو کې د مخنیوی او څارنې نوی لیدلوری
د تمباکو سګریټ څکول لږ تر لږه د ۱۶ مختلفو ډولونو سرطان یو سببی خطر عامل دی. په مکسیکو کې سګرټ څکول د سږو د سرطان په کال کې ۶۰۳۵ بې وخت مړینې او له نورو ډولو څخه ۵۱۵۴ مړینې پیدا کوی. د دې تر څنګه ، ۱۶۴۰۸ د سګریټ څکولو نوی موارد تشخیص شوی دی...
The Public Health Burden of Alcohol and the Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Alcohol Control Policies
This review was commissioned by the Department of Health, which asked Public Health England (PHE) to provide an overview of alcohol-related harm in England and possible policy solutions. The present report offers a broad and rigorous...
د ټولنی د الکولو د مشارکت هدف څه دی؟
د ټولنې د الکولو مشارکت ( CAPs ) سیمه ییز نوښتونه دی چې موخه یې د الکولو اړوند زیان کمول دی. دوی د مشروباتو د صنعت او سیمه ییزو حکومتونو ترمنځ د مشارکت په جوړولو بوخت دی چې د الکولو په تېرولو او ټولنیز ضد چلند ( ASB ) باندې ځانګړی تمرکز لری...
د والدینو ټولنیز اقتصادی حالت او د ماشومانو د سګریټو د څکولو نرخ: لینک څه شی دی؟
د مور او پلار ټولنیز اقتصادی حالت په ماشومانو کې د نیکویټین د وکالت سره څه ډول تړاو لری؟
دا هغه پوښتنه ده چې په ناروې کې ترسره شوې یوه نوې څیړنه ده چې موخه یې معلومه کول دی. په دې څیړنه کې د والدینو ټولنیز اقتصادی حالت د هغوی د زده...
Treating Alcohol Addiction with Positive Relationships
A ‘therapeutic alliance’, or in other words, a positive and trusting relationship between counsellor and patient, could be the key to successful treatment of alcohol addiction, according to a new study. Patients who reported a more positive...
ESPAD Report 2015
The European Schools Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) collects comparable data on substance use among 15- to 16-year-old students. It monitors drug usage trends within, as well as, between European countries.
The latest...
Healthier Alternatives and Natural Highs: The Success of the Icelandic Model
Alcohol Switches the Brain into 'Starvation Mode'
Alcohol has a very high calorie content. Experts, therefore, have long been confused as to why people often eat more after having consumed alcoholic drinks. New scientific tests show spikes in electrical activity in the brains of mice when...
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