
The in person event includes a range of training tracks. If you wish to attend a training you must apply below for that track. Your application will be considered by our training partners, Colombo Plan and you will be contacted directly regarding your place.

The cost is 2,500 Pesos to attend (2,250 if you pay in advance), and includes the training, plenary sessions and a welcome dinner. For details of the schedule visit the programme pages.

Training Tracks

Track A - UPC Course 1: Introduction to Prevention Science (Van Gogh Meeting Room)

Duration: 5 days (40 hours)

Dates: 5th-9th December, 2022

Room: Van Gogh

Training Group:  Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (DAP)

Trainers: 2

Description: This course provides an overview of the science that underlies evidence-based prevention interventions and strategies, and the application of these effective approaches in prevention practice.

Training goals

  • To provide an overview of the science that is the foundation for prevention;
  • To provide an overview of the information needed to inform the selection of preventioninterventions;
  • To provide participants with the tools to inform stakeholders and policy-makers about the foundation of evidence-based substance use prevention; 
  • To provide participants with the tools to coordinate and supervise substance use prevention professionals
Track B - Women’s Intervention for Substance Exposure: Comprehensive Care for Substance Use Disorder (WISE) (Gaugin Meeting Room)

Duration: 5 days

Dates: 5th-9th December, 2022

Room: Gaugin

Training Group:  Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (DAP)

Trainers: 3

Description: The WISE Curriculum was created to increase understanding of women’s unique treatment needs and how to address them through practical knowledge and techniques. The four-course curriculum specifies how treating women for substance use disorders differs from treating those of men, and how to respond to women’s needs appropriately. It offers participants the tools and strategies to identify, assess, and treat women for substance use disorders with the goal of improving and optimizing outcomes and sustaining recovery.

Training goals:

  • Present core competencies need to treat women
  • Provide overview of basic theories and concepts that underpin substance use disorder treatment with women
  • Develop an understanding of the legal and ethical issues experienced by providers
Track C - UPC Course 7: Environment-based Prevention Interventions (Pissaro Meeting Room)

Duration: 3 days (24 hours)

Dates: 5th-7th December, 2022

Rooms: Pissaro (5th & 6th December) Versailles (7th December)

Training Group:  Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (DAP)

Trainers: 2

Description:  This course reviews the science underlying evidence-based substance use prevention environmental interventions, involving policy and community-wide strategies.

Training Goals:

  • To provide an overview of the role of environmental strategies for substance use within the socialization and prevention framework;
  • To present an overview of the principles and types of EI’s that have been shown to be effective;
  • To describe evidence-based policies that are essential components of school and the workplace prevention programming;
  • To provide evidence for and principles of effective community-wide policies, regulations and laws; and overview evidence-based environmental strategies; and
  • To describe evaluation approaches to environmental strategies.
Track D - UTC Course 1 & UTC Course 6 (Renoir Meeting Room)

Dates: 5th-9th December, 2022

Room: Renoir 

UTC Course 1: Introduction to the Science of Addiction

Duration: 3 days (20 hours)

Training Group: Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (DAP)

Trainers: 3

Description:  This course presents a comprehensive overview of addiction; provides an understanding of the physiology of addiction as a brain disease; and describes the pharmacology of psychoactive substances.

Training Goals:

  • To  provide  participants  with  an  understanding  of  the  physiology  of  addiction  as  a  brain disease;
  • To  provide  participants  with  information  about  the  pharmacology  of  psychoactive  substances.
UTC Course 6: Case Management for Addiction Professionals

Duration: 2 days (13 hours)

Training Group: Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (DAP)

Trainers: 3

Description: The course provides a skill-based course that provides an overview of case management in substance use disorder treatment and provides skills practice in case management functions.

Training Goals:

  • ­To provide an overview of basic principles, functions, and models of case management
  • To provide an opportunity for participants to apply information about case management to their own practices.
Track E - UTC Course 4: Basic Counseling Skills for Addiction Professionals (Cézanne Meeting Room)

Duration: 5 days (33 hours)

Dates: 5th-9th December, 2022

Room: Cézanne

Training Group: Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (DAP)

Trainers: 3

Description: This course focusses on an overview of the helping relationship and the opportunity to practice core counselling including basic skills in motivational interviewing, group counselling and implementation of psychoeducation sessions.

Training Goals:

  • To provide an opportunity for participants to learn and practice basic skills they will need in all settings and models of treatment
  • To teach and provide an opportunity for participants to practice basic group counseling skills.
Track F - Universal Treatment Curriculum Refresher Course (Dégas Meeting Room)

Duration: 3 days

Dates: 5th-7th December, 2022

Rooms: Dégas (5th December) Anahaw (6th & 7th December)

Training Group: Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (DAP)

Trainers: 3

Description: This training assists addiction practitioners prepare themselves to write the examinations for International Certified Addiction Professional (ICAP)-Treatment credentials. It covers the  domains and the outlines of the four levels of ICAP examination and helpful guide for those preparing for ICAP I, II,  III, and IV examinations. The training also provides a comprehensive summary for treatment practitioners who need a refresher course on all aspects of substance use disorder. The Exam will be available following the training to those who apply in advance and meet the criteria for the credential. 

Training Applications are now closed.

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