ICAP Exams

Applications are have now closed for the ICAP-Treatment examinations being offered on 10 December 2022 during the ISSUP Philippines Conference in Quezon City, Philippines. 

If you have started, but not completed your application please click here to access the online portal application for the exam. There is also a video on our homepage explaining the application process.   

The deadline to submit applications and supporting documents was 7 November 2022

For information the following PDF/scanned documents are required for upload as part of the application process.  Applications without required supporting documents will be rejected by GCCC. 

  1. Detailed CV of the candidate highlighting the highest education qualification and major subject of the highest education qualification
  2. A letter from the candidate’s supervisor confirming clinical/counselling experience
  3. Narrative description of the most recent work experience in addiction treatment
  4. Certified true copy of the certificate of highest education qualification  
  5. Certified true copies of relevant training certificates including all UTC basic and advance level training 
  6. Certified true copies of other relevant Diplomas/ University certificates and transcripts 

If applicants find any difficulties/issues while submitting applications, email info [at] globalccc [dot] org (info[at]globalccc[dot]org)  

Once the application is approved, applicant will receive a notification to pay examination fee through the portal with a credit card or bank transfer.

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