Alcohol use disorder among people diagnosed with tuberculosis in a large urban case-finding project in central Uganda
Heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing tuberculosis (TB), delays diagnosis, and affects treatment adherence. This study aimed to examine the prevalence of alcohol use disorder (AUD) among individuals with TB...
Substance Use Monitoring and Surveillance: Challenges faced by LMICs
Substance use surveillance has emerged as a crucial public health strategy across Africa, particularly in light of the alarming rise in substance use among adolescents (1). This trend poses significant health risks that require a...
#ScaleUp - UNODC initiative on promoting scalable and effective interventions for the treatment of stimulant use disorders
The UNODC #ScaleUp Initiative is a vital response to the growing global challenge of stimulant use disorders, which affect millions of individuals worldwide. In 2021, approximately 78 million people used substances like amphetamines...
The Power of Collaboration Project: Substance Use Disorder treatment for women
The Power of Collaboration is a joint project between ISSUP and the GWN. This initiative delves into three critical areas in substance use disorder (SUD) treatment for women:
IntNSA Annual Conference 2025: Call for Abstracts
Submission Deadline: Extended to October 31, 2024 at 11:59pm Central Time
The International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) invites you to submit an abstract for oral and/or poster session at the Annual Educational Conference!
Community Mobilisation, Co-Development, and Program Evaluation: Experiences from STAD’s Community-Based Interventions
La Perspectiva de Género en el Ámbito de las Sustancias y las Adicciones
Highlights from the 2024 UNODC World Drug Report
UNODC World Drug Report 2024
Relatório Europeu sobre a Droga 2024: Tendências e Desenvolvimentos
O Relatório Europeu sobre a Droga 2024: Tendências e Desenvolvimentos apresenta a mais recente análise do OEDT sobre a situação da droga na Europa. Centrando-se no consumo de drogas ilícitas, nos danos conexos e no fornecimento de droga...
Spanish Project of Best Practice Portal in Drug Demand Reduction and Behavioural Addictions
In Spain, the offer of prevention programmes is very varied and structured, but today the challenge remains how to put evidence into practice. European Commission define a best practice as “a relevant policy or intervention...
Trauma exposure across the lifespan among individuals engaged in treatment with medication for opioid use disorder: differences by gender, PTSD status, and chronic pain
Spanish University Postgraduate Training on Addictions: The Historic Development and its Current Situation
BACKGROUND: Drug dependence is a public health problem that requires trained professionals to effectively address this issue. The aim of this study was to analyse postgraduate university training programs specialising in addictions in Spain...
Prescribed safer supply during dual public health emergencies: a qualitative study examining service providers perspectives on early implementation
Background: Over the past decade, drug-related overdoses have seen a significant rise both in North America and globally. The COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasised the urgent need for safer supply programs to replace unregulated...
Rehabilitation of Executive Functions in Users of Addictive Substances. Study Protocol
Substance use increases the risk of damage to executive and cognitive functions. Manifested by a range of clinical symptoms, such impairments may affect people’s coping with everyday activities and their abilities to establish...
DIMS Annual Report 2022
The DIMS annual report 2022 covers the concentrations, adulterations, and other relevant information produced by DIMS in the past year, and in doing so forms a topical image of the Dutch drug market. Spread out over all Dutch provinces, the...
Open Consultation: UK clinical guidelines for alcohol treatment
The consultation on the UK clinical guidelines for alcohol treatment is now open.
Consultation description
This consultation asks you to review individual chapters from the draft UK clinical guidelines for alcohol treatment.
Each chapter...
Gender differences in physical morbidity in opioid agonist treatment patients: population-based cohort studies from the Czech Republic and Norway
Background: Physical health problems are common in people receiving opioid agonist treatment (OAT). A study was conducted on these health issues in OAT patients in the Czech Republic and Norway from 2010 to 2019, with a focus on gender...
Self-reported Xylazine Experiences: A Mixed-methods Study of Reddit Subscribers
Xylazine is an α2-agonist increasingly prevalent in the illicit drug supply. Our objectives were to curate information about xylazine through social media from people who use drugs (PWUDs). Specifically, we sought to...
Introduction to Forensic Substance Use Evaluation
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