Examining Differences in Breath Alcohol Concentration (BrAC) Levels and Hazardous Drinking by Smoking Status among a Sample of College Student Bar Patrons
A study published in the Journal of Community Health, Examining Differences in Breath Alcohol Concentration (BrAC) Levels and Hazardous Drinking by Smoking Status Among a Sample of College Student Bar Patrons, explores the relationship...
Перевод пациентов с метадона на бупренорфин: осуществимость и оценка практических рекомендаций
Введение и цели: Переход с метадона на бупренорфин является проблематичным для многих опиоидно-зависимых пациентов, с ограниченными документированными доказательствами или практическим клиническим руководством, особенно для...
Расходы на обеспечение опиоидной заместительной терапии в Тихуане, Мексика
Мексика недавно провела реформу наркополитики, направленную на декриминализацию хранения небольших количеств запрещенных наркотиков, и обязала полицию направлять выявленных потребителей психоактивных веществ на лечение от...
Factors Related to Simultaneous Cocaine and Alcohol Use for Clients in Treatment
Abuse-Deterrent Opioid Formulations
Abuse-deterrent opioid formulations have been suggested as one way to decrease the abuse, addiction, and overdose of orally prescribed opioids. Ten oral opioid formulations have received abuse-deterrent labeling by the U.S. Food...
Family Rejection as a Predictor of Suicide Attempts and Substance Misuse among Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Adults
A study published in the LGBT Health Journal explores family rejection as a predictor for substance misuse in transgender and gender nonconforming adults.
Taking data from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey the study involved...
A Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial of Modafinil for the Treatment of Cocaine Dependence without Co-Morbid Alcohol Dependence
Like methadone for heroin dependence, modafinil is an oral medication with similar effects to cocaine but milder, slower in onset and longer-acting - properties which might help plug the gap in effective pharmacotherapies for dependence on...
Расовые и этнические различия в завершении амбулаторного лечения
Исследование, посвященное завершению амбулаторного лечения расстройств, связанных с употреблением психоактивных веществ, выявило расовые и этнические различия в состоянии здоровья.
Исследовательская группа использовала выборку из 416 224...
The Effect of Branding to Promote Healthy Behavior: Reducing Tobacco Use among Youth and Young Adults
Policy interventions such as public health mass media campaigns disseminate messages in order to improve health-related knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors at the population level. Only more recently have campaigns that...
Мероприятия по прекращению употребления табака и политика по борьбе с курением в учреждениях по лечению психического здоровья и злоупотребления психоактивными веществами
Impact of an Online Training Program in Hospital Workers’ Smoking Cessation Interventions in Bolivia, Guatemala and Paraguay
To examine changes in hospital workers’ interventions before and after online training.
Pre-post evaluation of the self-reported performance of the 5A's by hospital workers from the three organizations involved...
Stigma Associated with Medication Treatment for Young Adults with Opioid Use Disorder
Opioid-related overdose deaths have risen sharply among young adults. Despite this increase, access to evidence-based medication for opioid agonist treatment (OAT) for youth remains low. Among older adults, barriers to...
Experiences of a Motivational Interview Delivered by a Robot: Qualitative Study
Background: Motivational interviewing is an effective intervention for supporting behavior change but traditionally depends on face-to-face dialogue with a human counselor. This study addressed a key challenge for the goal of...
Alcohol Industry Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives and Harmful Drinking: A Systematic Review
Background: There is growing awareness of the detrimental effects of alcohol industry commercial activities, and concern about possible adverse impacts of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, on public health...
Psychological and Psychosocial Interventions for Cannabis Cessation in Adults
Objective: Many psychological and psychosocial interventions have been developed to treat regular users of cannabis, but it is unclear which intervention(s) are the most effective. This article aims to assess the effectiveness of...
The Influence of Psychological Factors during Early Years of Life in the Development of Addiction
Addiction is a multifaceted condition with various entry and exit points throughout its course in an individual's life. In some adolescents, early onset can be followed by limited adolescent use or abuse and is more related to...
Addiction, 12-Step Programs, and Evidentiary Standards for Ethically and Clinically Sound Treatment Recommendations: What Should Clinicians Do?
Addiction is a complex phenomenon characterized by a loss of control and compulsive, habitual behavior. Since there is no single, specific cause for addiction, there is no single, standard treatment for it. A variety of approaches...
Smoke-Free Rules in Homes and Cars among Smokers and Nonsmokers in Minnesota
We examined prevalence and predictors of comprehensive smoke-free household rules (ie, smoke-free homes and cars) among smokers and nonsmokers in Minnesota. Data came from the 2014 Minnesota Adult Tobacco Survey; weighted analyses...
Проблемы внедрения терапии опиоидными агонистами в Ливане: качественное исследование с точки зрения пользователя
Опиоидная агонистная терапия (OAT) была внедрена для лечения лиц с расстройствами, связанными с употреблением опиоидов, в Ливане с 2011 года, но еще не была оценена. Цель исследования состоит в том, чтобы описать...
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