
Which European City Consumes the Most Cocaine?

Scientific article
A new study suggests that Londoners consume the most cocaine during the week. However, it was also found that, when weekends were taken into account, the Belgian city of Antwerp overtook the UK’s capital for cocaine consumption. The results...

Smoking in Films: Adolescents and Unregulated Exposure

Scientific article
In its latest Smoke-Free Movies Report, the World Health Organisation (WHO) advised governments that films featuring tobacco use ought to be classified for their adult content. Published in the journal Tobacco Control, a new study supports...

Alcohol Use Disorders: Resilience and Risk Behaviour

Scientific article
New research suggests that certain personality traits, such as having a lack of restraint or being impulsive, increase the likelihood of developing alcohol use disorders. On the flip side, the study found that people with high resilience...

Energy Drinks and Alcohol…Cocaine

Scientific article
A new study carried out by researchers at Purdue University, and subsequently published in the journal PLOS ONE, has found that mixing alcohol with energy drinks may affect the adolescent brain in much the same way as does taking cocaine...

Scottish Substance Use: The Numbers

The latest Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS) provides a national overview of the prevalence of smoking, alcohol consumption and drug use in 2015, as well as looks at trends over time. It assesses risk...
Scottish Survey

Contingency Management and Drug Disorders

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) defines contingency management as “a general behavioural intervention technique used in the treatment of drug dependence … designed to weaken drug use and strengthen...

Parenting Styles and Alcohol Use

Scientific article
Alcohol use is common among children and adolescents despite the fact that this particular form of risk-behaviour can have a negative impact on one’s psychological and social development. A recent article published in the journal Drugs...

Alcohol Abuse Interventions in Primary Care Settings

Scientific article
A recent review of studies focusing on excessive drinkers identified and counselled in primary care settings has found that, when combined with screenings and assessments, brief, regular intervention sessions lead to greater reductions in...

Marijuana and Maternity: What Are the Effects?

Scientific article
Four US states currently allow recreational marijuana use and twenty-four allow medical marijuana. However, little research has been carried out to uncover the drug’s effect on the development of human embryos if smoked or consumed in...