Health promotion

Are Smoking Bans Having the Desired Effect?

Scientific article
A new study carried out by researchers at Ohio State University and subsequently published in the Journal of Health and Social Behaviour shows how smoking bans in the United States have led to a decrease in social or light smoking amongst...

Adolescence, Alcoholism and Interventions

Scientific article
Substance abuse entails a whole host of social, physical and mental health problems. A recent overview published in the Journal of Adolescent Health evaluates the effectiveness of interventions focused on smoking, alcohol or combined drug...

Alcohol Use and Cognitive Harm

Scientific article
Around 88,000 Americans die from alcohol-related harm each year. The physical effects of alcohol abuse, including certain cancers, heart disease and liver disease, are well-known. There is also much evidence that suggests alcohol can have a...

Student Smokers in US at All-Time Low

Scientific article
Smoking, and the desire to smoke, cigarettes amongst high school students in the United States is currently at an all-time low, according to a recent article published in Preventing Chronic Disease. The study found that between 2012 – 2014...

E-Cigarettes and Passive Smoking: Is There a Risk?

Scientific article
E-cigarettes are becoming more and more popular. As such, many in the field of drug prevention and treatment are eager to uncover how they affect our health. E-cigarettes do not contain tobacco. However, it has been found by researchers at...

Alcohol and Pregnancy Seminar

Event Date
United Kingdom

Alcohol consumption in pregnancy is the leading preventable cause of childhood developmental delay.  This seminar will focus on the challenging but important area of identifying and preventing such harm.  Bringing together research teams from across the UK, and with a keynote address from WHO-Europe, it will focus on the latest evidence on how to appropriately identify and prevent alcohol consumption in pregnancy, and future innovation in this

USA and Europe: Drug Use Compared

This month saw the release of the findings from the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD). The publication shows the country-by-country results for the use of various legal and illegal drugs. Thirty-five European...
ESPAD Report

And the Winner Is….

Scientific article
To drink alcohol at sporting events has become the social norm. A new study conducted collaboratively by Eastern Health and Turning Point Alcohol and Drugs Centre has discovered that drunkenness and related harm in Australia tend to reach...