Health promotion

Contingency Management and Drug Disorders

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) defines contingency management as “a general behavioural intervention technique used in the treatment of drug dependence … designed to weaken drug use and strengthen...

What are the Second-Hand Effects of Alcohol Consumption?

Scientific article
The ‘second hand effects’ of alcohol use can be defined as the negative consequences of drinking experienced by people other than the drinker. They can include, for example, serious acts of sexual and physical violence as well as more...

Scottish Courts Rule in Favour of Minimum Price for Alcohol

After more than four years of industry delay tactics, yesterday’s ruling from the Court of Session in Edinburgh has finally paved the way for the introduction of a minimum price for alcohol in Scotland, a policy approved by MSPs back in...

Parenting Styles and Alcohol Use

Scientific article
Alcohol use is common among children and adolescents despite the fact that this particular form of risk-behaviour can have a negative impact on one’s psychological and social development. A recent article published in the journal Drugs...

Drug Prevention Project in Pakistani Schools

Event Date

Teacher’s Training Program:

Two teachers training and six school awareness programs were implemented in Pakistani private schools in Sultanabad, Lyari, and Korangi and in Aga Khan Schools. A total of 80 teachers participated in the training program and almost 1,800 students were reached through school awareness programs.

Australia: Social Pressures and Alcohol Consumption

Scientific article
Almost 20% of Australians exceed two alcoholic drinks on average per day. However, the will to cut down or quit drinking can lead to social stigmatisation. A new study published in Drug and Alcohol Review reports that, in many social...

Marijuana and Maternity: What Are the Effects?

Scientific article
Four US states currently allow recreational marijuana use and twenty-four allow medical marijuana. However, little research has been carried out to uncover the drug’s effect on the development of human embryos if smoked or consumed in...

Opioid Abuse Linked to Heroin Use

Scientific article
New research published in the journal Addictive Behaviors has found the likelihood of 18- to 34-year-old nonmedical prescription opioid users having a prescription opioid use disorder has increased between 2002 – 2014. More specifically...

Identifying At-Risk Personalities

Scientific article
A new substance abuse prevention programme called Preventure uses personality tests to identify children most at risk of indulging in harmful drug-taking behaviour. The traits it has identified amongst at-risk children include: sensation...