
Savaş Sırasında Ukrayna'daki Üniversite Öğrencileri Arasında Ruh Sağlığı ve Madde Kullanımı: Ülke Çapında Bir Anketin Sonuçları

ISSUP Ukrayna, sizi Savaş Sırasında Ukrayna'daki Üniversite Öğrencileri Arasında Ruh Sağlığı ve Madde Kullanımı konulu yaklaşan web seminerine katılmaya davet ediyor.

Liderlik Okulu: Taras Shevchenko KNU İktisat Fakültesi öğrencileri için ruh sağlığı ve madde kullanımı konularına adanmış sempozyum

ISSUP Ukrayna ekibi ve ISSUP Ulusal Bölümler Koordinatörü, 24 Ekim 2023 tarihinde , İktisat Fakültesi öğrencileri için düzenlenen, ruh sağlığı ve madde kullanımı konularına ve modern koruma ve iyileşme stratejilerine adanmış Liderlik Okulu sempozyumuna katıldı.

Sempozyumun konuşmacıları:

Iryna Pinchuk

Olha Myshakivska

Natalya Stepanova

Çumak Stanislav

Pimenova Natalia



Provision of addiction treatment services during the war in Ukraine

This webinar is held under the joint initiative of ISSUP Ukraine, the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and ICF "Alliance for Public Health".

Ukrainian version of the online substance abuse prevention course "Introduction to evidence-based prevention" (INEP)

INEP is online course “Introduction to Evidence-based Prevention”

It comprises 10 “Lectures” to introduce key concepts and issues for undertaking prevention focused work.

It is a programme targeting people who are at the beginning of their career development as “preventionists”.


International Symposium: Mental health of the population during the war: new challenges for society and consequences for the economy

This international symposium is supported by the joint initiative between ISSUP Ukraine and Interdisciplinary analytical center on socioeconomic well-being and mental health (SEMA), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Invitation to the IX Annual Ukrainian Psychiatric Association International Conference: February 24-25, 2023

It is our great pleasure and honour to invite you to take part in the IX Annual Ukrainian Psychiatric Association International Conference, “The Price of Peace in Our Time”.

Session 3: Consultation on Ukraine Emergency Issues

ISSUP Ukraine and ITTC-Ukraine welcome you to a joint initiative dedicated to the ongoing war and the horrific events resulting from Russia’s attack on Ukraine: Consultation on Ukraine emergency issues: ‘Providing mental health support and care to people affected by the War: general topics and specific cases’

Session 2: Consultation on Ukraine Emergency Issues

ISSUP Ukraine and ITTC-Ukraine welcome you to a joint initiative dedicated to the ongoing war and the horrific events resulting from Russia’s attack on Ukraine: Consultation on Ukraine emergency issues: ‘Providing mental health support and care to people affected by the War: general topics and specific cases’

Session 1: Consultation on Ukraine Emergency Issues

ISSUP Ukraine and ITTC-Ukraine welcome you to a joint initiative dedicated to the ongoing war and the horrific events resulting from Russia’s attack on Ukraine: Consultation on Ukraine emergency issues: ‘Providing mental health support and care to people affected by the War: general topics and specific cases’

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