Profile picture for user nina.harth Nina Harth HOGENT - Ghent University of applied sciences and arts
Profile picture for user eva_maria.havelka Eva Havelka National Addiction Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
Profile picture for user kpdkharkiv Andriy Haydabrus V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, School of Medicine
Profile picture for user shearne_whelan shearne Waterford and South Tipperary Community Youth Services
Profile picture for user upcca_1 Raquel Hernández Blanco Unida de Prevención Comunitaria en conductas adictivas de la mancomunidad La Vega
Profile picture for user norik80 Marko Hlebec Slovanian Police, Criminal Police Directorate, Organised Crime Division, Illicit Drugs Section
Profile picture for user gnatanest Yurii Hnatyna Lviv regional center of addictions prevention and treatment
Profile picture for user miroslav.horak.ujks Miroslav Horák Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Department of Languages and Cultural Studies
Profile picture for user helenafialova8 Helena Fialova Department of Addictology, 1st Faculty of Medicine and General Hospital, Charles University