Recovery Support
The ongoing process through which individuals achieve improved health, wellness, and quality of life while striving for abstinence or reduced substance use.
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: Evidence That Affirming the Client Promotes Recovery
Findings amalgamated for the American Psychological Association show that across psychotherapy studies, outcomes improve the more therapists consistently demonstrate warmth and high regard for their clients - given the stigma and low regard...
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: Resolving Therapist-Client Tensions May Promote Recovery
Amalgamated research findings raise the intriguing possibility that experiencing the resolution of breakdowns or tensions (‘ruptures’) in the therapist-client relationship promotes client welfare even more than rupture-free relationships...
Rights, Respect and Recovery: Scotland's Alcohol and Drug Treatment Strategy
The Scottish Government has released the new Alcohol and Drugs Strategy, which aims to improve health by preventing and reducing alcohol and drug use, harm and related deaths. There were a record 934 drugs-related deaths in Scotland in 2017...
European Action for Employment in Recovery
A new European project has been developed to provide individuals in recovery from substance use in Scotland the opportunity to a part in a work and learning experience in another European country.
The European Action for Employment in...
Effectiveness Bank Drug Treatment Matrix Row 4: The Talking Road to Recovery
Consolidates the lessons of the last five instalments of the course on drug treatment research, selecting and discussing key studies on psychosocial therapies for drug dependence. Research teaches us to see these as the enactment of the...
مشترکہ طور پر ہونے والی ذہنی صحت اور مادہ کے استعمال کی خرابی وں والے لوگوں کی مدد کرنے کے لئے بحالی پر مبنی مشق میں الجھنیں
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مشترکہ طور پر ہونے والی ذہنی صحت اور مادہ کے استعمال کی خرابی والے لوگوں کے لئے خدمات میں بحالی پر مبنی مشق کی سفارش کی جاتی ہے. بحالی پر مبنی خدمات کے بارے میں پریکٹیشنرز کے تصورات کو سمجھنا روز مرہ کی مشق میں بحالی کے...
شراب اور سگریٹ کی بازیابی کی حمایت کے لئے ورچوئل رئیلٹی کیو انکار ویڈیو گیم: جامع مطالعہ
کلینیکل ٹولز انکارپوریٹڈ سے منسلک محققین کی ایک ٹیم نے اضافے اور بحالی کی تلاش کے لئے ورچوئل رئیلٹی کے استعمال کو نافذ کرنے والا ایک مطالعہ شائع کیا ہے۔ کلینیکل ٹولز امریکہ میں آن لائن تعلیم فراہم کرنے اور مریضوں کی دیکھ بھال کو بہتر بنانے...
ایس اے ایم ایچ ایس اے تمباکو فری ریکوری گرانٹ 2018
مادہ کے غلط استعمال اور ذہنی صحت کی خدمات کی انتظامیہ (ایس اے ایم ایچ ایس اے) نیشنل سینٹر آف ایکسیلینس فار ٹوبیکو فری ریکوری گرانٹ اب درخواستوں کے لئے کھلا ہے۔ 5 ملین امریکی ڈالر تک کی گرانٹ کو آگاہی بڑھانے، موجودہ تحقیق کو پھیلانے یا طرز...
شراب اور منشیات کی روک تھام، علاج اور بازیابی: سرمایہ کاری کیوں؟
ایک اندازے کے مطابق برطانیہ میں شراب سے ہونے والے نقصانات کی سماجی اور معاشی لاگت 21.5 ارب پاؤنڈ ہے جبکہ منشیات کے غیر قانونی استعمال سے ہونے والے نقصانات کی مالیت 10.7 ارب پاؤنڈ ہے۔ ان میں اموات، این ایچ ایس، جرائم اور شراب کی صورت میں...
The Importance of Nutrition for Recovery from Addiction
How important is nutrition for recovery from Substance Use Disorders (SUDs)?
According to new research published in the academic journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence the answer is: very.
The paper, which looked at the relationship between...
Decisions in Recovery: Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
This handbook provides guidance on using the web-based, multimedia tool 'Decisions in Recovery: Medications for Opioid Addiction'. This handbook and the web-based tool offer information about medication-assisted treatment. Both resources...
Life in Recovery from Addiction in Canada
The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) has recently teamed up with the National Recovery Advisory Committee to produce the first Canadian survey of people in recovery from drug addiction and/or alcoholism.
The findings...
Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix Row 4: The Talking Route to Recovery
The Talking Route to Recovery
Time to consolidate the lessons of last five instalments of the online course on alcohol treatment research. Every treatment involves direct or indirect human interaction, but this row is about therapies in...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Bite: Managing the Talking Route to Recovery
Fortnightly instalment of online course on alcohol treatment research starts with a study which concluded that “leaders have a cascading impact on their staff in ways other than through mandate”. Findings that post-training ‘coaching’ is...
Podcast: Do Tobacco Cessation Interventions Provided during Substance Abuse Treatment or Recovery Help Tobacco Users to Quit?
Smoking rates in people with alcohol and other drug dependencies are two to four times those of the general population. Concurrent treatment of tobacco dependence has been limited due to concern that these interventions are not successful...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Bite: The Talker in the Talking Route to Recovery
In psychosocial therapies, the enactment of the client-worker relationship is the treatment. Structured around Carl Rogers’ classic formulation of the “necessary and sufficient conditions” for therapeutic progress, the cell in the Alcohol...
Whole Family Recovery
This document provides an overview of themes that emerged from the Adfam’s Whole Family Recovery and Alcohol Focus Groups and interviews. This research was conducted to scope the impacts of the recovery of someone with an alcohol problem on...
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