Recovery Support
The ongoing process through which individuals achieve improved health, wellness, and quality of life while striving for abstinence or reduced substance use.
Bion’s Basic Assumption Groups in the Regimen Treatment of Addictions: Clinical Implications
This article provides reflection on the potential application of Bion’s model of basic assumption groups in patients undergoing midterm inpatient addiction treatment. The clinical implications are discussed in terms of the usability of Bion...
The Influence of Persuasive Messages to Quit Smoking by Media Advertisements
INTRODUCTION: The high rate of substance use highlights the need to intervene in the initial use prevention of smoking tobacco. The aim was to determine the efficacy of anti-smoking messages
to motivate smoking cessation.
METHODS: It was...
Budování odolnosti a odraz se od neúspěchu v Recovery: The PEER Perspective
Ecolink awards honor two outstanding women
Ecolink Institute in India has honored two outstanding women professionals engaged in the prevention and management of Substance Use Disorder, in connection with the International Women's Day celebration.
Odireleng Kasale, a recovery...
Panda - The perfect digital companion on the road to recovery
Developing the Addiction Workforce in Africa: Progress and Issues
Pathways 2 Prevention Podcast
Join us for Drug Free America Foundation’s ‘Pathways to Prevention’ podcast as we engage stakeholders from across the drug demand reduction spectrum including government, academia, clergy, preventionists, treatment professionals, and...
Ecolink completes advanced course on Working with Families with SUD
Ecolink Institute of Well-being has conducted an Advanced Training Course on Working with Families with Substance Use Disorder for 30 addiction professionals from various countries from 10 January to 10 February 2023. The training course...
£421 million to boost drug and alcohol treatment across England
It has been announced that local authorities across England will benefit from an extra £421 million government funding through to 2025 to improve drug and alcohol addiction treatment and recovery.
The extra funding will enable the creation...
Live Session "ROLE OF PSYCHOLOGIST IN REHABILITATION CENTER" on 28th February, 2023 by ISSUP Pakistan Chapter
ISSUP Pakistan Chapter conducted a Live Session on "ROLE OF PSYCHOLOGIST IN REHABILITATION CENTER" on Saturday, 28th January 2023 Time: 6-7 Pm Pakistan Time, from ISSUP Pakistan Chapter's & Youth Forum Pakistan's Facebook Pages, YouTube...
SSA Podcast- Relapse: what is it and what does it mean to people who experience it?
In the latest episode of the Addictions Edited podcast, Rob Calder talks to Dr Maike Klein from the University of Bath about her qualitative research into relapse.
They discuss how relapse can be perceived as part of recovery or...
What Are The Five Stages Of Change?- A Blog Dedicated to Educate the Families of people with Addiction
The blog is a rich source of learning.
You may read the information at your pace.
Share with the clients and their families to equip themselves with the simple strategies to take steps towards more recovery and less relapse.
Here- https...
Drug Policy in the UK: A Matter of Crime or Health
Factors related to substance use treatment attendance after peer recovery coach intervention in the emergency department
Brief intervention with peer recovery coach support has been used to generate referrals to substance use disorder treatment from the emergency department (ED). This retrospective study evaluated factors associated...
Infografika Ústavu pro výzkum obnovy
Institut pro výzkum obnovy sestavil řadu brožur, které představují a diskutují o všech otázkách týkajících se podpory obnovy
Služby a informace podpory pro léčbu závislostí
Důležité složky skupin pro zotavení závislostí
Recovery 101
Recovery from a substance use disorder is defined as a process of improved physical, psychological, and social well-being and health after having suffered from a substance-related condition.
The recovery research institute has put together...
Online kurz Recovery Pathways
Tento on-line kurz představuje vědu o zotavení ze závislosti a dívá se na důkazy o cestách zotavení v Evropě.
Recovery Pathways se zaměřuje zejména na genderové rozdíly v tom, jak se lidé zotavují a co se děje v různých fázích zotavení.
Measuring and Operationalising Recovery Capital
Recovery capital helps us better understand the process of recovering from a substance use disorder and determine the success of recovery and treatment interventions, improve coping strategies, and enhance an individuals’ quality of life in...
Recovery Support: Reading List
Recovery is a process that often takes significant time and effort to achieve and maintain. Here you will find a selection of resources and pieces of research relating to the topic of recovery support. You can also join the ISSUP recovery...
Expanding Access to and Use of Behavioural Health Services for People At Risk for or Experiencing Homelessness
This guide highlights strategies for behavioural health and housing providers to conduct outreach and engage with individuals experiencing homelessness, initiate use of behavioural health treatment as they wait to receive stable housing and...
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