Recovery Support
The ongoing process through which individuals achieve improved health, wellness, and quality of life while striving for abstinence or reduced substance use.
Plakát ISSUP pro lisabonské závislosti 2022: Studie o užívání návykových látek a roli rodin v Kazachstánu, Pákistánu a na Ukrajině
Ve dnech 23.–25. listopadu 2022 se v Lisabonu konala čtvrtá evropská konference o návykovém chování a závislostech.
Pod zastřešujícím tématem globálních závislostí představila společnost LxAddictions22 špičkový výzkum, který má pomoci...
Registration Open: NAADAC's Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders & SUD Specialty Online Training Series
NAADAC's Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders & SUD Specialty Online Training Series is designed for helping professionals who are dedicated to learning about co-occurring disorders in the field of addiction...
Reflective Assessment-A Unique Model for Universal Population Prevention
A one-day training was organized by Teacher Training Academy to equip the teachers to become reflective on their interaction with the students. The assessment of student behavior and interest in intellectual and recreational activities were...
A Practical DBT Workbook for Radically Eliminating Neurodivergent Disorders: How to Help You Confront Your Social Anxiety Triggers and Improve Your Interpersonal Effectiveness and Social Skills
- The 4 core skills of dialectical behavior therapy, and how they can benefit people with neurodivergent conditions (ADHD, Autistic, Dyslexia ,Dyspraxia and Tourette Syndrome etc.. because they have high probability of developing addictions...
Inter-glam Bursary Award for Pakistani Delegate Participation in Lisbon Addictions
During the second last month of 2022, November 22-24 an international conference was held successfully at the Lisbon Congress Center in Portugal with the collaboration of SICAD, EMCDDA and the Portuguese Directorate. Organized by Clinic in...
From Darkness to Light of Hope- More Prevention, Less Suicide! Drug Use and Suicide Prevention
6th conference is going to be held at the University of Management and Technology, Lahore which has organized a pre-conference workshop for students and professionals about suicide and addiction. The theme of the conference is suicide...
Experiences of frontline healthcare workers and their views about support during COVID-19 and previous pandemics: a systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis
Healthcare workers across the world have risen to the demands of treating COVID-19 patients, potentially at significant cost to their own health and wellbeing. There has been increasing recognition of the potential mental...
Mobilizing community resources in preventive measures: Issues, challenges and the way forward
ISSUP Malaysia would like to invite you to their upcoming webinar on Mobilizing community resources in preventive measures: Issues, challenges and the way forward.
The webinar is to inform and raise awareness on critical issues in the...
The Substance Use Professional’s Guide to Addressing Medical Cannabis in Substance Use Treatment Settings
Substance use in Gender Dysphoria (Transgenders) and their Mental Health
An event at a NGO in Lahore was organized to address the mental health and substance use among those living with gender dysphoria. They have complex challenges that vary from bullying, harassment, prejudice, discrimination in support and...
Komunitní centrum duševního zdraví Úspěchy v prevenci a léčbě lidí, kteří užívají psychoaktivní látky
ISSUP Peru vás zve k účasti na webináři o komunitních službách prevence a kontroly závislostí.
Webinář se bude konat ve čtvrtek 20. října 2022 v 11:00 (peruánského času)
Tento webinář analyzuje činnost, která podporuje a zviditelňuje...
Mental Health and Substance Use: Reading List
Mental health and substance use issues are commonly linked, and it is important that practitioners are skilled and knowledgeable in identifying and working with the potential challenges an individual may be facing. For World Mental Health...
Coping with Life After Prison
Psychologists are playing pivotal roles in reentry programs, but more research and investment are needed to help incarcerated individuals build successful lives after leaving prison.
This article, published in the American Psychological...
Substance Use and the Role of Families. Results of a Cross-Country Study in Pakistan, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine
In many countries families have rarely been involved in addressing treatment and interventions for family members with substance use disorders (SUDs). The aims of this study were to measure the influence of substance use on...
Integrace všímavosti do léčby poruch způsobených užíváním návykových látek
Tato virtuální prezentace je sponzorována Jihovýchodním regionálním centrem ATTC a zaměří se na podporu vzdělávání a rozvoje dovedností poskytovatelů, kteří pracují s lidmi s poruchami užívání návykových látek (SUDS), integrací postupů a...
International Recovery Month Celebrated
International Recovery Month Celebrated
Director General of Department of Narcotics Control (DNC) Mr Abdul Wahab Bhuya has said that family and society's negative attitude towards substance users hinders the process of treatment and rehabilitation. He said this while addressing...
Alcohol Use Disorder and its Treatment with Medications and Nutrition
Recovery is Possible: Defining Recovery in terms of abstinence-based treatment and Opioid substitution therapy
Introduction to Supervision of Peer Based Recovery Support Services
As many people know, the professional identity of peer staff is rooted in their lived experience and deep connection to personal vulnerabilities. What is not often talked about or addressed are the imbalances that many peers face in...
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