Reducing the risk factors and enhancing the protective factors associated with initiating substance use.
Cannabis Use among Adolescents: Risk Pattern, Implications and Possible Explanatory Variables
According to the Spanish Survey on Drug Use in Secondary Schools (ESTUDES), cannabis remains the most used illegal substance among Spanish adolescents, with around 3 out of 10 students reporting lifetime use.
Several studies have warned...
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day originated in Canada with the first FASD Day taking place on 9th September 1999.
Since then the campaign has gathered global recognition with many countries now taking part in...
Calling for Volunteers for SPR Committees!
The Society for Prevention Research offers various opportunities for our members to help advance the mission and the strategic plan of the Society by getting involved in our committees.
SPR is now in the process of convening our...
Zaměření na mládežnický fotbal a alkohol
Zaostřeno na mládežnický fotbal a alkohol je společná iniciativa, jejímž cílem je omezit pití nezletilých a těžké epizodické pití mezi mladými lidmi, neboť obojí silně ovlivňuje zdraví a blahobyt evropského obyvatelstva.
Prevalence of Binge Drinking in Singapore
The prevalence of binge drinking- the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time- is increasing across Asia.
Previous research has shown revealed links between heavy drinking and poor mental health outcomes...
Taking a Stand: An Untapped Strategy to Reduce Waterpipe Smoking in Adolescents
Waterpipe smoking (otherwise known as shisha, hookah, narghile, goza, and hubble bubble ) is an increasing global health concern with evidence suggesting particularly high prevalence amongst adolescents.
Despite clear evidence for the...
Alcohol and You: An Interactive Body
Almost every organ system is affected by alcohol. Drinking in moderation may cause problems to one's body, and drinking heavily over the years can cause irreversible damage. However, most diseases caused by excessive drinking can be...
Thailand Cigarette Packaging
One of the ways tobacco companies encourage people to purchase their products is through creating positive associations of brands. These include bright designs and symbols that quickly become familiar to potential customers. In a bid to...
Zpráva z 8. konference o evropské politice v oblasti alkoholu
SHAAP a Eurocare zveřejnily souhrnnou zprávu pokrývající diskuse, které se konaly během 8. konference o evropské politice alkoholu (8EAPC) na Royal College of Physicians v Edinburghu ve Skotsku ve dnech 20. a 21. listopadu 2018.
Nové brožury wellness programu SPORT & InShape Prevention Plus
Tyto barevné třídílné oboustranné brožury popisují jednorázové programy SPORT a InShape Prevention Plus Wellness pro mládež a mladé dospělé.
Zdarma kopírovat a distribuovat ve vaší organizaci nebo regionu, abyste informovali ostatní a...
Free Webinar: Prevention Plus Wellness Program Core Knowledge
Webinar Objectives:
1. Identify the critical need for effectively addressing multiple health risks in youth & young adult substance use programs as in Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) interventions.
2. Describe PPW program...
Alcohol Before 18. What's the Harm - A Guide for Parents
Talking about alcohol with your children can be a complicated and sensitive topic to navigate.
Young people are absorbing information about alcohol from a range of sources within their environment.
Friends, teachers, and family can...
Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People in England
The National Health Service has been closely following the smoking, drinking and drug use trends amongst young people in England.
The series of surveys began in 1982. The most recent 2018 survey questioned 13,664 year 7 to 11 pupils...
Které strategie prevence jsou ve skutečnosti založeny na důkazech a které ne?
Přemýšleli jste někdy o tom, co skutečně funguje v prevenci? Slyšeli jste o standardech prevence, ale byli jste příliš zaneprázdněni, abyste je hledali nebo četli? Tato nová série v síti "Věda a praxe prevence" je pro vás!
Od příštího...
SPYM Newsletter
Společnost pro podporu mládeže a mší vydala svůj nejnovější zpravodaj!
Zpravodaj zdůrazňuje nový vztah s SPYM a ISSUP prostřednictvím založení národní pobočky ISSUP Indie.
Existuje zpráva o Mezinárodním dni dětí ulice, který se slavil...
Alcohol Use Disorders and the Heart
The negative impact of harmful substance use on societies physical and mental wellbeing is a global issue. Substance use disorders are associated with a significant disease burden.
In recognition of this, Addiction is initiating a new...
Alcohol Interventions in Secondary and Further Education
Alcohol use during the teenage years is related to a wide range of health and social problems. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has developed new guidelines to help schools and colleges when teaching their pupils about...
Prenatální expozice alkoholu a užívání alkoholu u potomků
Navzdory rostoucímu povědomí o negativních důsledcích alkoholu zůstává míra konzumace mezi mladými dospělými vysoká.
Longitudinální studie poskytují vhled do rizikových a ochranných faktorů v životě mladých lidí, které by mohly zvýšit...
Tobacco Use Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Young Adults
It is recognised that smoking and use of tobacco products among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) young adults is higher compared to their heterosexual and cisgender peers.
Although it is believed that within the...
Schools Can Help Every Student Succeed by Using Evidence-Based Programmes and Practices
There has been a call to teach young people social and emotional skills alongside the academic curriculum in schools. Schools are required to promote wellbeing and foster a safe and nourishing environment that caters to the broad range of...
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