Reducing the risk factors and enhancing the protective factors associated with initiating substance use.
New Regulations to Stop Alcohol Being Advertised Around Children Introduced in Ireland
Ireland has introduced new legislation to reduce child exposure to alcohol advertisements and products.
Alcohol advertising in or on public transport, at public transport stations, and within 200 metres of a school, creche, or local...
A Further Look at Therapeutic Interventions for Suicide Attempts and Self-Harm in Adolescents: An Updated Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Background: Suicide attempts (SA) and other types of self-harm (SH) are strong predictors of death by suicide in adolescents, emphasizing the need to investigate therapeutic interventions in reduction of these and other symptoms. We...
Alcohol Use: The Role of Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Drinking to Cope
Adolescent alcohol dependence and anxiety frequently co-occur, leading researchers to examine the link between these two disorders.
So far the evidence has produced conflicting explanations, with some researchers believing young people...
One in Three: Adfam’s Manifesto for 2020 and beyond
Following the concerning findings that one in three adults in Great Britain have been negatively affected by the substance use of someone we know, Adfam has launched their 2020 manifesto.
Adfam's five asks are:
- Make funding available...
Viet Nam - UNODC Discussing Cooperation in Drug Prevention and Treatment
Currently, relevant ministries and agencies in Vietnam are studying, supplementing and amending the Law on Drug Prevention and Control to meet the current situation and practical requirements, including the section on drug prevention and...
Position of the European Society for Prevention Research on Ineffective and Potentially Harmful Approaches in Substance Use Prevention
"Prevention methods using shock tactics are proven to be ineffective. Nevertheless, strategies based on predominantly providing information about the dangers of substance use are widespread in Europe. The European Society for Prevention...
Pití alkoholu britských rodičů negativně ovlivňuje více než třetinu dětí
Fyzická a psychická újma způsobená nadměrnou konzumací alkoholu pro jednotlivce, který pije, je často jasná. Co je často méně zřejmé, je škoda, kterou může mít konzumace alkoholu pro lidi kolem sebe.
Nedávná studie zkoumala dopad pití...
Alcohol Industry in France Oppose Dry January
The alcohol industry in France have begun their protest against the dry January campaign proposed by the French Health Minister Dr Agnès Buzyn.
The campaign is designed to encourage people to abstain from alcohol for one month. It is...
Nástroje prevence: Co funguje, co ne
Každý specialista na prevenci užívání návykových látek by si měl přečíst tuto bezplatnou brožuru napsanou Joem Neigelem a vydanou Washingtonským státním úřadem pro péči.
Nástroje prevence jsou vynikajícím zdrojem prevence, který, jak...
Relações mesossistêmicas entre família, escola e instituição de apoio social: um estudo sobre a prevenção à drogadição
Um estudo realizado pelo Mestre em Psicologia - Evaldo de Souza Fernandes, da Universidade de Brasília, abordou diversos pontos sobre a prevenção ao uso de substâncias, no quesito familiar, escolar e social.
O uso de drogas ganhou...
Vietnamští politici se zúčastnili školení UNODC o povaze, prevenci a léčbě poruch spojených s užíváním drog
Více než třicet (30) vietnamských osob s rozhodovací pravomocí na vysoké úrovni z odboru prevence sociálních náměstků, ministerstva práce, invalidů a sociálních věcí (MOLISA), úřadu vlády (OOG), ministerstva zdravotnictví (MOH)...
Percepções da comunidade escolar sobre a implantação do programa Unplugged em escolas
As pesquisas brasileiras revelam que há uma precocidade na idade do primeiro uso de álcool e outras drogas, o que acaba gerando os riscos do uso nocivo e de consequentes danos à saúde de crianças e adolescentes.
Um estudo epidemiológico...
Pilotní studie a studie proveditelnosti programu prevence úzkosti založeného na kognitivně behaviorální terapii pro studenty středních škol v Japonsku: kvazi-experimentální studie
Existuje mnoho důkazů, že kognitivně behaviorální terapie je účinná u dětí a dospívajících s problémy souvisejícími s úzkostí. V Japonsku byl vyvinut program prevence úzkosti založený na kognitivně behaviorální...
Livro: Importância dos programas escolares de prevenção ao uso de drogas
Prevenir o uso indevido de álcool e outras drogas é um dos tópicos inquestionáveis nos mais diversos contextos sociais – escola, família e comunidade, entre outros. A escola é o local que abriga a maior parte das crianças e dos...
Why is Adolescent Drinking Declining?
There has been a notable decline in adolescent drinking in developed nations over the past two decades. Understanding the reasons behind this positive downward trend will help professionals support the continuation of this decline into the...
Single-session & Other Brief Interventions for Preventing Youth Alcohol, Marijuana, E-cigarette & Opioid Use
We recently presented a webinar on brief interventions for preventing youth substance use. Because it was a completely filled session, I wanted to provide a description of the main points covered in the webinar for those who had not had an...
Implementing the European Action Plan on Alcohol
Despite efforts to reduce concerning levels of alcohol consumption in Europe through adopting the WHO European Action Plan on Alcohol (EAPA), the region continues to have the highest prevalence of drinkers, heavy episodic drinking, alcohol...
Seminar on Suicide and Substance Abuse Prevention
Conducted a session on Suicide and Substance Abuse Prevention organized by Green Star in Karachi, Pakistan.
Algorithm May Expose Thousands of Under-18s to Harmful Targeted Adverts
A recent study, conducted by the Guardian and the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, has revealed that Facebook has marked hundreds of thousands of children as “interested in” adverts about gambling and alcohol.
Facebook gains information...
What is the Link Between Unemployment and Alcohol Use?
Youth unemployment has remained stable at a high-level in many countries over the past several decades.
Over the same period, evidence has emerged which suggests that unemployment can negatively affect an individual’s mental and physical...
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