Peresmian YOUFEST pada Hari Kemerdekaan Pakistan 2022
Pada 14 Agustus 2022, hari Minggu adalah hari keramaian dan hiruk pikuk besar di Grace International Rehabilitation Center. Perayaan hari itu memiliki tujuan khusus untuk mengungkapkan Visi Global 2030 yang disebut YOUFEST. 8 tahun...
“Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop regarding Substance Abuse Prevention”
Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop regarding Drug Abuse Prevention has been organized by EQUIP Research & Developments in collaboration with the Ministry of Narcotics Control, Govt. of Pakistan on 8th May 2022 at EQUIP head office, Multan...
Drug Awareness Campaign through Motivational Speaker
Drug Awareness Campaign through Motivational Speaker
Syed Zulfiqar Husain, Director, Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) along with Mr. Adeel Rashid and Syed Mohsin met with Mr. Qasim Ali Shah Motivational Speaker regarding Drug Demand...
Tobacco Webinar Series: Tobacco Smoking Addiction - From Prevention to Treatment
Webinar | Risk & Protective Factors of Substance Use: Youth Focused Prevention
Engaging Youth in Substance Use Prevention (EYTSUP) - 2019/2020
To educate and train professionals and students on preventing their societies from the hazardous effects of substance use.
Key Achievements During Project
It was initially intended to invite 20 professionals from...
Pelatihan Profesional tentang Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan Zat di Sekolah dan Masyarakat
Tonggak Pertama yang Dicapai:
Berhasil menyelesaikan Pelatihan Profesional tentang Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan Zat di Sekolah dan Komunitas @ di Pask Hall 16 - 17 November 2019 Karachi, Pakistan
Pada fase pertama proyek ini, 32 profesional...
Seminar on Suicide and Substance Abuse Prevention
Conducted a session on Suicide and Substance Abuse Prevention organized by Green Star in Karachi, Pakistan.
Training of Trainers on the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) in Pakistan
From 17 - 21 June 2019, UNODC trained a total of 16 trainers in Pakistan on the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) Course-5 which covers school-based interventions. The training of trainers (ToT) of UPC in Pakistan consists of 3 selected...
Konvensi Pencegahan Penggunaan Narkoba
Grand Convention on Drug Use Prevention yang diselenggarakan oleh Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) dan Youth Council for Anti Narcotics (YOCFAN) di Lahore College for Women University (LCWU) bekerja sama dengan PHEC, Directorate of...
Konferensi Internasional ke-2 tentang Penelitian dan Terapi Kecanduan, 13-14 Mei 2019 Praha, Republik Ceko
Konferensi Internasional ke-2 tentang Penelitian dan TerapiKecanduan
13-14 Mei 2019 Praha, Republik Ceko
Tema: Pandangan yang dapat dimengerti tentang dilema Kecanduan
Kecanduan 2019 Halaman web:
Laporan Tahunan: Penggunaan Narkotika di Kota Lahore
Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) &Youth Council for Anti Narcotics (YOCFAN) telah menerbitkan laporan tahunan terbaru tentang penggunaan narkotika di Lahore.
Laporan ini memberikan gambaran umum tentang situasi saat ini di Lahore dan...
Pertemuan Bermanfaat dengan Perwakilan Colombo Plan pada 18 Januari 2019 di Karachi, Pakistan
Staf Drug Free Pakistan Foundation mengadakan pertemuan besar dengan Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia dan perwakilan Pacific-Drug Advisory Programme (DAP) Mr. Mohammad Ayub Senior Advisor/Treatment Expert...
Sesi Poster SPR Internasional NIDA: Faktor Risiko Ekspresi Kemarahan dan Kecenderungan Bunuh Diri pada Remaja Pria Pakistan
Abstrak ini dipresentasikan pada Pertemuan Tahunan Society for Prevention Research 2018 yang diadakan 29 Mei – 1 Juni 2018 di Washington, DC, AS.
Universitas Salman Shahzad Karachi, Pakistan
Universitas Nasreen Begum Karachi, Pakistan
Dissemination and Implementation Science: Translating Domestic Provider Training Programs for Pakistan Regarding Culturally Competent HIV Healthcare for Transgender Persons
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Muhammad Armaghan Mussadiq University of Maryland at College Park
Bradley Owen Boekeloo...
Kampanye Kesadaran di Berbagai Lembaga Pendidikan di Pakistan
Correlates of Substance Use in Male Pakistani Adolescents
Salman Shahzad, Wendy Leigh Kliewer, Muzafar Ali, Nasreen Begum
Substance use is a significant problem in Pakistan, particularly among male adolescents, yet there are few studies of the correlates of use in this population. As a first step...
Project: “Engaging Young People in Peacebuilding & Evidence-Based Drug Prevention Intervention & Policies"
The “Engaging Young People in Peacebuilding” Project of the Drug Free Pakistan Foundation was continuously engaged in organizing and conducting teachers' training, youth leadership training and school programs in school-based prevention...
Training of Youth Drug Prevention Facilitators in Pakistan
The Pakistani non-governmental organisation, Aga Khan Rural Support (AKRSP), organised its first four day training programme on evidence-based school and community drug abuse prevention for teachers from 6th - 10th October, 2017 in...
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