Reducing the risk factors and enhancing the protective factors associated with initiating substance use.
E-book: “Pais na Prevenção” - volume 1
Um E-book para apoiar pessoas a manter crianças e adolescentes seguras e livres dos problemas relacionados ao uso de álcool e outras drogas.
Em um mundo cada vez mais acelerado e dinâmico, cada vez mais pessoas sofrem pressões, estresse...
Mapeamento dos programas de prevenção ao uso de drogas aplicados no Brasil
Um questionário para mapeamento dos programas de prevenção ao uso de drogas que têm sido implantados no Brasil foi elaborado numa parceria entre o Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD), a Universidade Federal de São Paulo...
Webinar Pengalaman Masa Kecil yang Merugikan (ACEs)
Presentasi dari Dr Sharon Lambert, School of Applied Psychology, UCC mengeksplorasi penilaian dan dampak dari Adverse Childhood Experiences dengan PSI Early Graduate Group.
Perspektif Pengemudi Minuman Berulang di Inggris
Dr Andrea Mohan (University of Dundee) mempresentasikan: "Apa yang bisa kita pelajari dari perspektif pengemudi minuman berulang? Temuan dari studi kualitatif".
International Standards on Drug Use Prevention- Webinar recording
The Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC) together with the UNODC Civil Society Unit (CSU) held a webinar on 10th March 2021 discussing the International Standards on Drug Use Prevention. The webinar included opening remarks from Mirella...
Adiktologie Jurnal Edisi 3-4
Jurnal Adiktologie adalah jurnal profesional untuk penelitian mengenai pencegahan dan pengobatan kecanduan.
Di bawah ini, Anda dapat menemukan artikel yang membentuk edisi Desember 2020.
National Release of 'Listen First' in Slovenia
‘Listen First’ and ‘The Science of Care’ materials have been translated into Slovenian and are being released nationally in Slovenia by the Institute for Research and Development (UTRIP) through its ‘Prevention Platform’ programme, which is...
webinar | Perilaku Adiktif: Pencegahan dan Pengobatan selama Pandemi COVID-19
ISSUP Greece Launch Event
Webinar | Preventing and Treating Substance Use Disorders: A Focus on Females Across the Life Course
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Daftar Bacaan
Pengalaman masa kecil yang merugikan adalah keadaan traumatis atau peristiwa yang terjadi selama masa kanak-kanak. Penelitian yang telah meneliti ACEes telah menunjukkan hubungan antara peristiwa traumatis ini di masa kanak-kanak dan...
Why don't they just stop using drugs then?
Why don't they just stop using drugs then? Making the case for trauma and ACE informed substance use services.
Andrew has developed trauma and ACE informed approaches in North Wales and other parts of the UK and Ireland during the last...
Resultados del estudio sobre prevención, tratamiento e inclusión social, en el marco de la pandemia de Covid-19 en Chile
Substance Use and Antisocial Behaviour in Adolescence in the UK
The Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), is following the lives of around 19,000 young people born across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
In 2018-2019, the researchers from UCL analysed data from 10,000 17 years olds on their...
Ilmu Aktivitas Fisik
Apa ilmu di baliknya?
Aktivitas fisik memiliki banyak manfaat kesehatan: memperkuat jantung dan dapat membantu meningkatkan kesehatan dan kebugaran tulang, menurunkan tekanan darah, meningkatkan kualitas tidur dan mengurangi risiko...
Prevention Portraits
Line Up Live Up
Sport can be a powerful tool to engage communities and prevent crime, violence and drug use among youth. As part of the Doha Declaration Global Programme, UNODC’s Youth Crime Prevention through Sport initiative has developed “Line Up Live...
Dampak Intervensi Berbasis Olahraga dan Olahraga dalam Mencegah Kekerasan Pemuda, Kejahatan dan Penggunaan Narkoba
Olahraga dapat menjadi alat yang ampuh untuk melibatkan masyarakat dan mencegah kejahatan, kekerasan dan penggunaan narkoba di kalangan pemuda. Sebagai bagian dari Program Global Deklarasi Doha, inisiatif Pencegahan Kejahatan Pemuda UNODC...
Memperkirakan Dampak Pencapaian Target Kebijakan Penyakit Tidak Menular Turki
Menurut Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia, sekitar 20.000 kematian bisa dihindari di Turki pada tahun 2017 jika negara itu telah mencapai tujuan saat ini untuk mengurangi konsumsi tembakau dan garam sebesar 30%, dan aktivitas fisik sebesar 10%.
...Promoting and Broadening the Horizons of UNODC Drug Prevention Methodologies for Working with Adolescents, Youth and Families in Uzbekistan
Every morning, Dr. Lilia Muzaffarova walks to work at the Tashkent City Narcological Dispensary. During her walk regardless of the season, Lilia admires the beauty of nature, which she loves very much, and also gazes into the faces of...
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