The Will to Stop: Explaining Smoking Habits
A new study carried out by researchers at the University of Stirling has discovered a link between self-control and lifelong smoking habits. It claims that children identified as having low levels of self-control by age eleven are more...
The TV Made Me Do It: Children and Alcohol Consumption
New research published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs supports evidence that alcohol adverts influence underage drinking. The authors suggest that the more exposure children receive to adverts for specific brands, the...
Marijuana on the Brain
According to new research smoking marijuana regularly distorts the brain’s natural risk and reward circuitry which, in turn, can affect people’s decision-making as well as their ability to maintain relationships. In this way, the study...
Music Videos Might Encourage Binge Drinking
A recent review carried out by researchers at the University of Nottingham's UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies suggests popular YouTube music videos that include aural and/or visual references to alcohol often glamourise consumption...
Higher Numbers Getting High
Marijuana use amongst adults in the United States is increasing. A study of over half-a-million people carried out between 2002 – 2014 and subsequently published in The Lancet suggests that this is because fewer perceive the drug to be...
Is Mass-Media Effective for Drug Prevention?
Mass-media can be a great means for sharing knowledge and information. A study recently published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) aimed to determine whether such channels are successful in reducing the intention to use, and the...
Laporan Kesehatan Australia 2016
Laporan Kesehatan dari Australian Institute of Health and Welfare mencakup berbagai masalah kesehatan, termasuk status kesehatan warga Australia, pengeluaran kesehatan, penyebab utama kesehatan yang buruk, faktor penentu kesehatan...
Low Self-Esteem Linked to Excessive Drinking Among Students
Student life and excessive drinking often go hand-in-hand. New research has found that it is students with low self-esteem that are more likely to indulge in unhealthy drinking behaviours than those with higher confidence levels. The...
Vaping Ads Make Smoking Tobacco Seem Healthier
Up to 50% of children who try tobacco cigarettes for the first time are likely to become regular smokers within three years. At the same time, experimentation with e-cigarettes is increasing. It is now more common for 11- to 15-year-olds in...
Standar Internasional untuk Pengobatan Gangguan Penggunaan Narkoba
Gangguan penggunaan narkoba adalah masalah kesehatan global yang serius. Kantor PBB untuk Narkoba dan Kejahatan (UNODC) memperkirakan bahwa 246 juta orang, atau satu dari dua puluh 15 hingga 64 tahun, menggunakan obat-obatan terlarang pada...
Membantu Anak Muda Menjalani Hidup Sehat
'Listen First' adalah inisiatif pencegahan narkoba yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran seputar mendengarkan anak-anak dan remaja sebagai langkah pertama untuk membantu mereka tumbuh sehat dan aman. Kampanye global ini menargetkan...
Internet dan Alkoholisme
Prevalensi pesta minuman keras tertinggi di antara orang berusia 18 hingga 24 tahun. Di Amerika Serikat sekitar 1.800 mahasiswa meninggal karena cedera terkait alkohol yang tidak disengaja setiap tahun. Mengingat pertumbuhan Internet dalam...
Klub Malam Terkenal di Dunia Ditutup setelah Kematian Terkait Narkoba
Klub malam 'Fabric' yang terkenal di dunia di London telah dicabut lisensinya karena apa yang oleh pemerintah setempat digambarkan sebagai "budaya narkoba" di tempat tersebut. Dalam empat tahun terakhir ada enam kematian terkait narkoba...
Tembak Hoops, Bukan Narkoba: Olahraga sebagai Alternatif yang Sehat
Delapan puluh persen anak berusia 3 hingga 17 tahun memainkan beberapa bentuk olahraga. Praktisi di bidang pencegahan narkoba telah berupaya mempromosikan aktivitas olahraga sebagai alternatif yang sehat untuk penggunaan narkoba di kalangan...
Penyalahgunaan Alkohol, Kedewasaan dan ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) adalah salah satu kondisi perkembangan yang paling umum di dunia. Sebuah studi kolaboratif baru-baru ini yang dilakukan di Amerika Serikat dan kemudian diterbitkan dalam jurnal Addiction menun...
Drunkorexia: A Dangerous Trend Among British Teens
Growing up unequal: gender and socioeconomic differences in young people's health and well-being. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study
This book is the latest addition to a series of reports on young people's health from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study: a WHO collaborative cross-national study that has provided information about the health, well...
Infografis NIDA: Fakta tentang rokok elektrik
A Guide to Working with Community Groups
The Australian Drug Foundation (ADF) have put together a guide to working with African communities, settled in Australia. The guide itself states that 'whilst the research and community consultation underpinning this toolkit have focused on...
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