Suicidio e abuso di sostanze
Una nuova ricerca ha trovato un legame significativo tra il rischio di suicidio e il consumo simultaneo di cocaina e alcol.
Lo studio ha esaminato le abitudini di assunzione di droghe di 874 partecipanti ricoverati in ospedale per aver...
Le persone fumano sempre meno?
Secondo nuove scoperte pubblicate sulla rivista Tobacco Control, oltre 53 milioni di persone in 88 paesi hanno smesso di fumare tra il 2008 e il 2014 a causa delle misure di controllo del tabacco.
Statisticamente, ciò significa che...
'Big data' sulla gioventù americana
Scotland and New Psychoactive Substances
A collaborative research project geared towards understanding the patterns of use, motives and harms of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) - commonly referred to as ‘Legal Highs’ - in Scotland has recently published its findings. Amongst the...
Rapporto: Miscelazione di alcol con bevande energetiche
VicHealth ha pubblicato un rapporto che riassume una recente indagine sul consumo australiano di alcol mescolato con bevande energetiche e le sue conseguenze dannose.
I principali risultati includono:
- I giovani nelle aree...
Young Australians Concerned about Alcohol, Drugs and Mental Health
A new study, which surveyed nearly 22,000 15- to 16-year-olds, sheds light on the concerns of Australian teens. Young Aussies identified alcohol and drugs (29%) as the most important issue in Australia today, followed by equity and...
Adolescents, Crime and Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol in the system was a year-long project that investigated the link between drinking and youth offending.
Listed below are the project's key findings:
- Drink culture is rife in the UK. Access to alcohol information and support for...
Scottish Substance Use: The Numbers
The latest Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS) provides a national overview of the prevalence of smoking, alcohol consumption and drug use in 2015, as well as looks at trends over time. It assesses risk...
Canadian Quits
The latest Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Survey (2015) reports a decrease in the number of smokers nationwide.
Click here to view the full set of results (available in both English and French).
Dying for an E-Cigarette?
The use of e-cigarettes has increased dramatically in recent years. New research suggests that besides acting as a gateway to tobacco smoking, ‘vaping’ can also potentially damage your health in other ways. A study undertaken at the Keck...
The World's Biggest Drug Survey
This year's Global Drug Survey (GDS) was launched last week. The GDS is the world's largest online survey about drugs and drug use. Last year's survey was completed by over 100,000 respondents. GDS is an independent drug use data mapping...
The Lasting Health Effects of Alcohol Dependency
A new study conducted in the United States and subsequently published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs suggests that those who suffered from symptoms of alcohol dependence during their youth may still experience the mental and...
Smoking to Cancer Death Ratio in the US
Smoking has for a long time been known to be a significant cause of cancer. A new article published by JAMA Internal Medicine suggests that the proportion of cancer deaths caused by smoking in the United States is highest in the South of...
Il 75% degli adolescenti vede le sigarette elettroniche come un'alternativa più sicura al tabacco
Quasi 3 adolescenti su 4 negli Stati Uniti pensano che le sigarette elettroniche siano meno dannose o che creino dipendenza rispetto al fumo di tabacco, secondo un nuovo studio. I ricercatori hanno anche scoperto che l'aumento della...
The Cambridge Handbook of International Prevention Science
The Cambridge Handbook of International Prevention Science provides readers with a comprehensive global overview of the current status of prevention science. The handbook includes up-to-date research from more than 100 scholars from 27...
Drug Use among Mexican Youth on the Rise
In recent years Mexico has seen a spike in drug use among teenagers. A new study analysed drug use among Mexican high school students over the past two decades. The study found that the number of young people who had tried drugs...
Bullismo e abuso di sostanze
Una nuova ricerca indaga la complessa relazione tra bullismo e uso di sostanze tra gli adolescenti. Lo studio, pubblicato sulla rivista Addictive Behaviors, identifica una serie di processi coinvolti nel bullismo che prendono in...
Weaker Bones Linked to Cannabis Use
Research conducted at the University of Edinburgh has found a link between cannabis use and bone mass density. More specifically, the findings, recently published in the American Journal of Medicine, report that frequent cannabis users are...
Webinar sulla politica scientifica del tabacco e del cancro: sigarette elettroniche
Continua il dibattito sui rischi delle sigarette elettroniche, come l'incoraggiamento al fumo tra i giovani, mentre alcuni osservatori sottolineano la possibile riduzione del numero di fumatori di tabacco esistenti. Questo webinar presenta...
Afghanistan National Drug Use Survey 2015
This five year survey is a global model for its rigor – the only national prevalence survey that I know of in the world where questionnaires were combined with 100% toxicology testing of three biological samples per person (hair, urine...
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