ISRAEL POLICE: Fentanyl Distribution Cases
Attached: an article written by Superintendent Ilan Malka of ISRAEL POLICE on the subject of Fentanyl Distribution Cases published in WCO RILO WE INFO magazine - June 2023 edition.
Pouring over public opinion: Alcohol Policies in the UK
In the UK, alcohol presents an urgent and growing problem: 70 people die due to alcohol every day. The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated this crisis, with alcohol-specific deaths having increased by 27% between 2019 and 2021, reaching...
New rule in New Zealand requires warning on all packaged alcohol
A new rule will require all packaged alcohol being sold to have warnings on the label about the harm it can cause to unborn babies.
The food safety agency says the move is supported by advice from doctors, midwives, the Ministry of...
Introduction to Forensic Substance Use Evaluation
Lanciata una nuova coalizione globale per affrontare le minacce delle droghe sintetiche
World Drug Report 2023
Leggi sulla cannabis in Europa: domande e risposte per il processo decisionale
Questa pubblicazione risponde ad alcune delle domande più frequenti sollevate nelle discussioni sulla legislazione sulla cannabis. Mentre l'attenzione principale è rivolta all'uso della cannabis per scopi ricreativi, è...
How have governments communicated UK alcohol duty policy changes?
Pricing, including taxation, is a key tool to address harm from alcohol and is identified by the World Health Organization as a ‘best buy’ policy (meaning it is both effective in reducing harm and cost-effective). However alcohol was 72%...
Journée mondiale de la drogue au Togo
Dans le cadre de la célébration du 26 juin ..
L'ONG RAPAA..a effectué un passage dans l'émission télévisée la Poz de la TVT avec la participation d'un membre du CNAD
Hier 26 juin l'ONG RAPAA a aussi animé une emission en langue Ewe...
Support. Don't Punish International Day of Action
A global advocacy campaign calling for drug policies based on health and human rights.
Support. Don’t Punish is a global grassroots-centred initiative in support of harm reduction and drug policies that prioritise public health and human...
L'implementazione degli standard di qualità (QS) presso la comunità terapeutica Coolmine
BACKGROUND: L'implementazione degli standard di qualità da parte di Coolmine comporta un periodo di gestione del cambiamento, pianificazione strategica e sviluppo di politiche nazionali.
METODI: Un caso di studio narrativo incentrato...
National Implementation of Quality Standards in Prevention and Treatment Services for Substance Use/ Addictions – A Case Study of Cyprus
INTRODUCTION: The Cyprus National Addictions Authority (NAAC) is the main coordinating body for all matters related to licit and illicit substances as well as pathological gambling in Cyprus and it is responsible, inter alia, for the...
Archivio di informazioni del Comitato di esperti dell'OMS sulla tossicodipendenza (ECDD)
“Alcohol marketing to LGBTQ+ people”
Watch the video of the SHAAP/SARN 'Alcohol Occasionals' webinar, held over Zoom on 24 May 2023: "Alcohol marketing to LGBTQ+ people: Evolving strategies to target identity", by Dr David Whiteley .
The Impact of Alcohol Availability Interventions
Interventions that restrict the availability of alcohol reduce the risk of harm. However, until now it has been unclear why this is the case.
In this research, the views of public health teams, police, local authority licensing teams and...
Conclusioni del Vertice di Roma Consensus 2.0
UNODC supported delegations from four Central Asian countries in a high-level study tour to the United Kingdom
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia (ROCA) together with the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section (PTRS) organized a study tour for high-level representatives, including senior officials, policymakers and substance...
Learning together: Progressing Decriminalisation in Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Poland & Maine
There has been substantial progress in the discussion and implementation of decriminalisation of drugs in the past 10 years. The issue is more broadly discussed and is more central to wider discourse around drug use and drug harms...
VNGOC Survey - civil society engagement towards 2024 and beyond
VNGOC want to hear from their members and other interested civil society organisations how they envision meaningful civil society engagement with the Vienna-based agencies involved in setting drug policy.
Deadline for responses: 31 May...
Pakistan Youth Organization organized side event to showcase common position on drugs during CND
Pakistan Youth Organization (PYO) in collaboration with VNGOC Asia Pacific region working group has organized a hybrid side event in MEO 79 to showcase a common position on drugs drafted by VNGOC Asia Pacific region working group in Vienna...
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