Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE): Therapist Guide (Treatments That Work)
Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE) is a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy program designed for patients who have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a co-occurring alcohol or drug...
Programma di consultazione PTSD: Serie di conferenze
Il terzo mercoledì di ogni mese, il programma di consultazione sul disturbo da stress post-traumatico ospita un webinar su un argomento rilevante per il trattamento del disturbo da stress post-traumatico. Gli argomenti sono selezionati in...
Habitual Alcohol Intake and Risk of Atrial Fibrillation in Young Adults in Korea
Importance Guidelines recommend that all risk factors for early-onset atrial fibrillation, including lifestyle factors, be proactively managed, considering the poor prognosis of the disease. Not much is known about the...
DESK REVIEW: Support for People with Substance Use Disorder in Ukraine During the War
War in Ukraine has inevitably led to the country's health system functioning at reduced capacity. Attacks near hospitals and active military operations force people to change their place of residence and flee from the war to...
In- and Out-Group Effects on Social Perception and Empathy in Cocaine Use Disorder
Earlier research revealed that cocaine users display impairments in emotional but not necessarily in cognitive empathy. However, no study to date has tested whether empathy is generally altered or whether impairments are restricted to...
Internalizzare ed esternalizzare i percorsi per l'uso di sostanze ad alto rischio e la posizione geografica negli adolescenti australiani
Un'istanza specifica della visione dell'adolescenza tempestosa e stressante è l'idea che l'adolescenza "normale" implichi comportamenti ad alto rischio di uso di sostanze. Tuttavia, sebbene l'adozione di alcuni comportamenti di uso di...
Essere sinceri: inquadrare la conversazione sulla prevenzione dell'uso di sostanze da parte dei giovani
Update of Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines: Final Report for Public Consultation
Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines were originally published by CCSA in November 2011 and were the result of the work of alcohol research experts in Canada. Since then, substantial new research on the association between alcohol...
European Web Survey on Drugs 2021: Emerging findings in Lebanon
The European Web Survey on Drugs1 collected data during March and May 2021 from people who use drugs, are aged 18 or older, and live in 21 EU and 9 non-EU countries including Lebanon. In this period, the populations in many European and...
Effetti di un breve promemoria telefonico pre-ricovero sui tassi di mancata presentazione e abbandono nel trattamento del disturbo da uso di sostanze: uno studio quasi sperimentale
La mancata presentazione dell'appuntamento e l'abbandono precoce del trattamento rappresentano le principali sfide nel trattamento ambulatoriale dei disturbi da uso di sostanze, influenzando negativamente i risultati clinici...
Prevenção do uso de substâncias durante a gestação - Palestra da Dra. Renata Azevedo
O consumo de drogas no Brasil é um verdadeiro problema de saúde pública. Quando usado de forma problemática, pode provocar ou aumentar crises familiares e violência.
O uso ou a dependência de substâncias psicoativas por gestantes é...
A Comparative Account on Ethical Considerations in Practice of Clinical Psychology
Background: Practice in the clinical psychology is knitted closely to the trust and rapport building with the client. This trust is supported by the set of ethical considerations being proposed by the APA Ethical Code. It helps to build...
The Effectiveness of a Web-Based Self-Help Program to Reduce Alcohol Use Among Adults With Drinking Patterns Considered Harmful, Hazardous, or Suggestive of Dependence in Four Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Randomized Controlled Trial
Background:Given the scarcity of alcohol prevention and use disorder treatments in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), the World Health Organization has launched an eHealth portal that includes the web-based self-help...
Web-Based Intervention to Reduce Substance Abuse and Depressive Symptoms in Mexico: Development and Usability Test
Background:The development of Web-based interventions for substance abuse in Latin America is a new field of interest with great potential for expansion to other Spanish-speaking countries.
Objective:This paper describes a...
Formazione sulla gestione dei disturbi da uso di sostanze
Il 20 agosto 2022, presso il Kinnaird Center for Learning and Cultural Development (KCLCD) di Lahore, è stato organizzato un workshop di un giorno sulle competenze per gli studenti della Certificazione Professionale in Psicologia Clinica...
Inauguration of the YOUFEST on Pakistan Independence Day 2022
On August 14, 2022, Sunday was the day of great hustle and bustle at Grace International Rehabilitation Center. The celebrations of the day had a special purpose to disclose the Global Vision 2030 called YOUFEST. The next 8 years of the...
“Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop regarding Substance Abuse Prevention”
Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop regarding Drug Abuse Prevention has been organized by EQUIP Research & Developments in collaboration with the Ministry of Narcotics Control, Govt. of Pakistan on 8th May 2022 at EQUIP head office, Multan...
Connecting the workforce with ISSUP Networks
ISSUP members benefit from joining a global community that provides guidance, training, resources, and opportunities to collaborate. As such, interactions between members can develop in various forms.
One of ISSUP’s main aims is to...
Providing alcohol and other drug treatment in a residential setting
Workers who provide AOD treatment to people in residential settings need to have the most up-to-date and evidenced-based practice approaches at their fingertips.
In this comprehensive resource, you will find research outlining the...
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