Trends in Mortality Rates Where Alcohol Was a Necessary Cause of Death in Brazil, 2000–2013
[ABSTRACT]. Objective: To analyze trends in mortality due to diseases and conditions fully attributable to alcohol in Brazil. Methods: This was an ecological time-series study. Proportional, specific, and age-standardized...
Alcohol Outlet Availability and Excessive Alcohol Consumption in Breast Cancer Survivors
Breast cancer survivors who consume alcohol excessively are at increased risk of recurrence and have worse prognosis. Because the environments in which people live shape many health behaviors, there has been...
Association of Cigarette, Cigar, and Pipe Use With Mortality Risk in the US Population
Key Points
Question: What is the association of cigar, pipe, and cigarette use with mortality risk in the US population?
Findings: In this nationally representative longitudinal cohort study of 357 420 participants comparing exclusive...
Recommendations for NIDA's Cannabis Policy Research Agenda
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has released a new report Recommendations for NIDA's Cannabis Policy Research Agenda.
The document has been prepared by the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse Workgroup which was formed...
Reduced Orbitofrontal Gray Matter Concentration as a Marker of Premorbid Childhood Trauma in Cocaine Use Disorder
Background: Childhood trauma affects neurodevelopment and promotes vulnerability to impaired constraint, depression, and addiction. Reduced gray matter concentration (GMC) in the mesocorticolimbic regions implicated in reward processing and...
Cocaine Effects on Dopaminergic Transmission Depend on a Balance between Sigma-1 and Sigma-2 Receptor Expression
Sigma σ1 and σ2 receptors are targets of cocaine. Despite sharing a similar name, the two receptors are structurally unrelated and their physiological role is unknown. Cocaine increases the level of dopamine, a key neurotransmitter in CNS...
Una guía de bolsillo: Indagación del abuso del alcohol y una intervención breve
Esta guía de bolsillo fue resumida de la guía de 34 páginas del NIAAA, Ayudando a Pacientes que Beben en Exceso: Una Guía Clínica. Los materiales incluyen:
- Folletos educativos para pacientes
- Notas de progreso ya formateadas
- Diapositi...
Guía para profesionales de la salud - Ayudando a pacientes que beben en exceso
Guía dirigida a profesionales de la salud para el trabajo con personas de consumo de alcohol en exceso
Esta guía ha sido escrita para profesionales de la salud de atención primaria y salud mental. Ha sido producida por el Instituto...
Dual Disorders in Individuals under Treatment for both Alcohol and Cocaine
Introduction: Descriptive data about co-occurrence of alcohol and cocaine consumption is scarce, despite its important prevalence. Dual disorders show high prevalence in clinical samples, and patients report worse evolution and...
The International Model of Alcohol Harms and Policies
The Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research at the University of Victoria have released The International Model of Alcohol Harms and Policies.
Comprising of a set of guidelines, methods, and tools this resource was produced with...
Estimating Treatment Coverage for People with Substance Use Disorders: An Analysis of Data from the World Mental Health Surveys
Substance use is a major cause of disability globally. This has been recognized in the recent United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in which treatment coverage for substance use disorders is identified as one of...
¿Por qué es tan difícil dejar las drogas?
Video explicativo: ¿Por qué es tan difícil dejar las drogas?
The Reciprocal Lagged Effects of Substance Use and Recidivism in a Prisoner Reentry Context
Much work has investigated the association between substance use, crime, and recidivism, yet little scholarship has examined these associations longitudinally among samples of recently released prisoners. We...
Hechos sobre la marihuana para adolescentes
NIDA. (2015, mayo 1). Hechos sobre la marihuana para adolescentes. Retrieved from en 2018, February 15
¿Sabías que el uso de la marihuana entre los...
Marijuana Facts for Teens
NIDA. (2015, May 14). Marijuana: Facts for Teens. Retrieved from on 2018, February 15
Did you know that teen marijuana use has dropped dramatically since the late 1990s? So, if...
Мінез-құлықтық денсаулық сақтау қызметтерінде технологияларға негізделген емдік құралдарды пайдалану
Денсаулық сақтау саласындағы цифрлық мінез-құлық іс-шараларына қызығушылық танытқан кез-келген адам үшін SAMHSA-дан алынған бұл нұсқаулық қызықты болады. Технологияның көмегiмен көмек көрсетудi жүзеге асыру тәртiбiн, бағалауға негiзделген...
Parental Alcohol Misuse and Children
Parental Alcohol Misuse (PAM) can negatively affect children’s physical and mental health, and other outcomes including educational attainment and behaviour. Effects can be acute when experienced in conjunction with other adverse...
Anxiety and Depression in Drug-Dependent Patients with Cluster C Personality Disorders
Objective: Comorbidity between personality disorders (PD) and substance-use disorders (SUD) is one of the most common findings in the psychiatric field. The patients with Cluster C disorders present maladjustment traits often characterized...
Does Trait Mindfulness Level Affect Quitting Cannabis Use? A Six Week Follow-Up Study
Background: Only 29% of cannabis dependent individuals seek treatment, yet significant decreases in cannabis use are seen in 31-36% of individuals that seek treatment. Follow-up studies have found that over 60% in substance use...
Efficacy Indicators of Four Methods in Outpatient Addiction Treatment
Background: In Portugal, as far as we know, there are no recent studies that evaluated the comparative efficacy of therapeutic modalities in addiction problems by reference to a holistic and psychosocial model of effectiveness. ...
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