Call for applications: Health Research at the Nexus of Humanitarian Crises and Climate Change
The Fogarty International Center of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and partner organizations will host a Global Forum on Humanitarian Health Research (GFH2R) inclusive of public webinars and an in-person meeting in May 2025...
Call for Speakers: INCB Civil Society Hearing 2024
We are looking for civil society experts wishing to speak at this years INCB Civil Society Hearing
Topic: “scenarios and possible responses to the rapid expansion of synthetic drug manufacture, trafficking, marketing and consumption”
Acelerar los Sistemas de Prevención en las Políticas sobre Drogas: nuevas iniciativas
Alcohol intake app Drink Less could cut down unhealthy drinking, say scientists
WAVE opportunities to attend Lisbon Addictions 2024
WAVE Bursaries to attend Lisbon Addictions 2024
La Revista CIJ Informa, es publicada por Centros de Integración Juvenil, (CIJ) Institución anfitriona del Capítulo ISSUP México 🇲🇽. En ella podrán enterarse de las diferentes actividades realizadas desde la Institución, el Capítulo Nacional...
Lisbon Addictions 2024: Call for abstracts
Lisbon Addictions 2024 is a multidisciplinary conference that provides both a forum for networking and an opportunity to showcase cutting-edge research. The conference is intended to inform policy development and practice through a better...
Journée mondiale de la drogue au Togo
Dans le cadre de la célébration du 26 juin ..
L'ONG RAPAA..a effectué un passage dans l'émission télévisée la Poz de la TVT avec la participation d'un membre du CNAD
Hier 26 juin l'ONG RAPAA a aussi animé une emission en langue Ewe avec...
Support. Don't Punish International Day of Action
A global advocacy campaign calling for drug policies based on health and human rights.
Support. Don’t Punish is a global grassroots-centred initiative in support of harm reduction and drug policies that prioritise public health and human...
Лечение наркомании и алкоголизма должно проводиться с участием семей и общин
Лечение от алкоголизма и других наркологических расстройств, как правило, предоставляется только отдельным лицам, часто вдали от своих семей. Лечение направлено на улучшение самочувствия и снижение вреда от употребления психоактивных...
FDA Approves New Buprenorphine Treatment Option for Opioid Use Disorder
For Immediate Release: May 23, 2023
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Brixadi (buprenorphine) extended-release injection for subcutaneous use (under the skin) to treat moderate to severe opioid use disorder (OUD)...
72º Состоялось очередное заседание Межамериканской комиссии по контролю за злоупотреблением наркотиками
В журнале CIJ Informa рассматривается участие CIJ, принимающего отделения ISSUP в Мексике, в 71-й очередной сессии CICAD .
The Anti-Stigma Network
The Anti-Stigma Network has been launched!
The Mission
The Anti-Stigma Network has been created by a group of organisations coming together with a shared mission.
Collectively they aim to improve understanding of the stigma and...
2022-2023 Medical Council on Alcohol (MCA) Legacy Essay Competition
It has been widely reported that youth alcohol consumption has decreased over recent years. What is the evidence to support this view? What are the implications for alcohol related health harm, promotion of safe drinking and health policy?
...Better Than Well- Recovery Programme to Support Students in England
The consequences of addiction to substances like drugs and alcohol, or engaging in certain behaviours like gambling, gaming, or sex, can be severe. Addiction is often a response to underlying trauma and social stressors, and continued use...
NIDA INVEST Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
NIDA INVEST Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for International Scholars: Now Accepting Applications
Special Deadline: April 1, 2023
The NIDA International Program is accepting applications from international postdoctoral researchers for...
ISSUP Poster for Lisbon Addictions 2022: Study on substance use and the role of families in Kazakhstan, Pakistan and Ukraine
The fourth European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies took place in Lisbon from 23-25 November 2022.
Under the overarching theme of Global Addictions, LxAddictions22 showcased cutting-edge research to help characterise...
Регистрация открыта: Серия онлайн-тренингов NAADAC по оценке, диагностике и лечению сопутствующих расстройств и специализированной серии специализированных учебных курсов NAADAC
Серия специализированных онлайн-тренингов NAADAC по оценке, диагностике и лечению сопутствующих расстройств и SUD предназначена для помощи специалистам, которые посвящают себя изучению сопутствующих расстройств в области зависимости. На...
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