Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Does Plain Packaging Cause a Reduction in the Prevalence of Smoking?
Tobacco is the number one cause of preventable death worldwide. A recently published Cochraine Review has found that standardised, or plain, tobacco packaging could make tobacco products less appealing and, in turn, lead to a reduction in...
'Virado': A New Method of Crack Consumption in Brazil
Crack emerged in the late 1980s in Brazil. This emergence was a critical moment for public health; the growing AIDS epidemic led intravenous cocaine users to migrate toward crack use to avoid the use of injection drugs. At the same time...
Vyšší daně potřebné ke snížení míry kouření v jižní Asii
Nový výzkum publikovaný v časopise The British Medical Journal podporuje potřebu zvýšit daně z tabákových výrobků v jižní Asii a naznačuje, že by to mohlo snížit spotřebu nejméně o 1/3 a následně zabránit přibližně 35 až 45 milionům...
Globální míra kouření klesá díky opatřením ke snížení poptávky
Nový výzkum publikovaný v časopise The Lancet Public Health naznačuje, že celosvětová míra kouření se po zavedení globální smlouvy o kontrole tabáku snížila o 2,5 %. Smlouva zavazuje 180 zemí, které se k ní zavázaly, aby zavedly politiky...
Příchutě hrají důležitou roli při využívání e-cigaret mezi mladšími populacemi, zjistila studie
Nová zjištění publikovaná v časopise Tobacco Regulatory Science naznačují, že ochucené e-cigarety oslovují zejména mládež a mladé dospělé.
Ze vzorku populace ve studii uvedlo 99 % 12–17letých a 95 % mladých dospělých, že jejich...
New Resources from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has released a number of new resources.
These are aimed at those working within the criminal justice system and other environments where people in recovery from drug addiction are ready to...
Marijuana Linked to Cardiovascular Problems
Marijuana use may increase the risk of stroke and heart failure.
This was concluded to be the case even after accounting for demographic and lifestyle risk factors, as well as other health conditions.
The new findings on the potential...
Alcohol Consumption as a Cause of Cancer
Background and aims: There is increasing research evidence about the causal role of alcohol in cancer, accompanied by unclear and conflicting messages in the media. This paper aimed to clarify the strength of the evidence for alcohol as a...
Characteristics of Fentanyl Overdose — Massachusetts, 2014–2016
What is already known about this topic?
Fentanyl has a growing presence in the illicit drug market and is involved in an increasing proportion of opioid overdose deaths.
What is added by this report?
Approximately two...
Estimation of National, Regional and Global Prevalence of Alcohol Use during Pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Alcohol use during pregnancy is the direct cause of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). We aimed to estimate the prevalence of alcohol use during pregnancy and FAS in the general population and, by linking these two indicators...
‘Ex-spliff-cit’ Content: If Legalised, Should Marijuana Carry Age Restrictions?
Canadians will soon know whether marijuana will be made legal. If legalised, should the drug carry an age restriction?
This question is central to new research published in the journal Health which suggests that young users...
Can Abstaining from Alcohol Help to Fight the Spread of HIV?
Studies have shown that alcohol may play a role in more that 13% of deaths resulting from infectious diseases, including HIV.
Evidence suggests that alcohol consumption negatively affects the fight against HIV primarily by:
- Increasing...
Mladí lidé s větší pravděpodobností hlásí, že vidí reklamu na alkohol online, zjistila pilotní studie
Americká pilotní studie publikovaná v časopise Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research zjistila, že nezletilí mladí lidé ve věku od 13 do 20 let s větší pravděpodobností než dospělí hlásí, že vidí marketing alkoholu online. Šetření...
Smoke-free Implementation in Colombia: Monitoring, Outside Funding and Business Support
Objective: To analyze successful national smoke-free policy implementation in Colombia, a middle income country.
Materials and methods: Key informants at the national and local levels were interviewed and news sources and government...
Background on Alcohol Marketing Regulation and Monitoring for the Protection of Public Health
This document provides evidence for arguments supporting alcohol marketing regulation, and suggests key elements that can be considered by countries in planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating effective regulation. It also...
Minimální cena alkoholu, která bude zavedena ve Velké Británii?
Minimální cena 50 pencí za jednotku alkoholu byla schválena poslanci skotského parlamentu v roce 2012. Rozhodnutí čelilo četným právním námitkám ze strany nápojového průmyslu, než skotské soudy v říjnu 2016 rozhodly v jeho prospěch. To...
Wide Eyes and Slurred Words: The Dangers of Mixing Alcohol with Energy Drinks
Mixing energy drinks with alcohol is becoming increasingly popular. And yet, recent research suggests that combining the two could be risky, more so than drinking alcohol on its own or with more traditional mixers such as coca-cola or...
Clinical Application of Cultural Elements for Hispanic and Latino Populations
This manual is designed to teach cultural competence concepts, values, and strategies for engagement and treatment with Hispanics and Latinos with substance use disorders (SUD). The manual introduces a basic understanding of cultural...
The Growing Need to Address the Use of New Psychoactive Substances
A recent paper published in the International Journal of Drug Policy addresses the current health responses to new psychoactive substances (NPS), highlighting key issues to inform the planning and implementation of adequate responses in the...
Effectiveness Bank Matrix Bite: Managing the Talking Route to Recovery
Fortnightly instalment of online course on alcohol treatment research starts with a study which concluded that “leaders have a cascading impact on their staff in ways other than through mandate”. Findings that post-training ‘coaching’ is...
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