Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders.
Looking to the Future: Healthcare for Adolescents
A recent review published in the Journal of Adolescent Health that looks at the effectiveness of interventions for improving the well-being of teenagers has reached a number of significant conclusions. These include:
- Sexual and...
Social Media, Sport and Alcohol Advertising
A new study published in the Drug and Alcohol Review examines the social media presence of alcohol brands that sponsor spectator sports in Australia. It highlights the way in which these brands use sport and social media in their...
Rapporto: Miscelazione di alcol con bevande energetiche
VicHealth ha pubblicato un rapporto che riassume una recente indagine sul consumo australiano di alcol mescolato con bevande energetiche e le sue conseguenze dannose.
I principali risultati includono:
- I giovani nelle aree...
Sweet Flavoured Tobacco Products May Influence Adolescent Smoking Habits
Younger people consider flavoured variations of tobacco products, for example, cigarettes and e-cigarettes less harmful and more appealing, according to a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of North Carolina Lineberger...
The Developmental Risks of Second-Hand Smoke among Young Children
A new study published in Indoor Air: International Journal of Indoor Environment and Health has found that the more children are exposed to household tobacco smoke during early childhood, the more likely they are to show anti-social...
La salute in sintesi: Europa 2016
La quarta edizione di Health at a Glance presenta indicatori chiave della salute e dei sistemi sanitari in tutta Europa. La qualità dell'assistenza è generalmente migliorata nella maggior parte dei paesi dell'UE, ma persistono disparità. Il...
Declining Addiction One Step at a Time
A new study carried out at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has found that results from drug and alcohol addiction treatment programmes improve amongst teens when they stop smoking. The findings, which have been...
Adolescents, Crime and Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol in the system was a year-long project that investigated the link between drinking and youth offending.
Listed below are the project's key findings:
- Drink culture is rife in the UK. Access to alcohol information and support for...
Teenagers under the Influence: Alcohol, Drugs and Video Games
Salute mentale e uso di sostanze: linee guida di prevenzione per la classe
Mentor ADEPIS ha recentemente pubblicato una pubblicazione dettagliata che mira a fornire a coloro che lavorano all'interno dell'ambiente scolastico linee guida pratiche per aiutare a prevenire che bambini e giovani sviluppino problemi di...
Canadian Quits
The latest Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Survey (2015) reports a decrease in the number of smokers nationwide.
Click here to view the full set of results (available in both English and French).
Dying for an E-Cigarette?
The use of e-cigarettes has increased dramatically in recent years. New research suggests that besides acting as a gateway to tobacco smoking, ‘vaping’ can also potentially damage your health in other ways. A study undertaken at the Keck...
The Impact of Prevention Interventions in Early Childhood
New research coming out of the University of Buffalo Research Institute on Addictions points to evidence which seems to suggest that an effective way of preventing drug and alcohol use by teenagers is to begin substance abuse education in...
Teenage Binge Drinking and Future Offspring’s Brain Development
Frequent binge drinking during your teenage years can affect the brain functioning and development of your future offspring, according to new research published by Loyola University. Indeed, the study suggests that excessive alcohol...
Specialised Drug Education Programmes Are Growing in Popularity
Smoking and DNA Changes
Analyses have found a direct link between the number of cigarettes smoked during one's lifetime and the number of mutations in tumour DNA. Commenting on these findings, Prof. Sir Mike Stratton from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute notes...
Combattere l'abuso di alcol: i soldati e la lotta contro la dipendenza
Una nuova ricerca pubblicata sul Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology sostiene che gli interventi telefonici sembrano un modo efficace per aiutare i militari a superare la dipendenza da alcol. Lo studio dimostra che tale metodo può...
Affrontare la dipendenza in America: il rapporto del chirurgo generale su alcol, droghe e salute
Il chirurgo generale degli Stati Uniti Vivek Murthy ha pubblicato un rapporto di sette capitoli che copre tutte le forme di dipendenza da droghe e alcol, comprese le raccomandazioni di politica pubblica per la prevenzione e il trattamento...
The Lasting Health Effects of Alcohol Dependency
A new study conducted in the United States and subsequently published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs suggests that those who suffered from symptoms of alcohol dependence during their youth may still experience the mental and...
Abuso di sostanze e transizione verso l'età adulta
Il passaggio dall'infanzia all'età adulta può essere un momento particolarmente difficile per molti giovani. Un nuovo studio pubblicato su Emerging Adulthood indaga il modo in cui gli utenti di sostanze adolescenti vedono questo cambiamento...
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