Perché le donne sono più sensibili agli effetti della cocaina?
Ricerche precedenti hanno dimostrato che le femmine riportano alti più intensi dall'uso di cocaina rispetto ai maschi e che i primi hanno maggiori probabilità di diventare dipendenti dalla droga, data la presenza dell'ormone femminile...
Guidelines for the Evaluation of Drug Prevention: A Manual for Programme Planners and Evaluators
Guidelines for the Evaluation of Drug Prevention: A Manual for Programme Planners and Evaluators is a publication by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA).
It is the second edition of the 1998 EMCDDA...
Difficoltà economiche e modelli di consumo di droga in Europa
Un nuovo studio recentemente pubblicato sul Journal of Health Economics esamina i cambiamenti nei modelli di consumo di droghe e negli atteggiamenti nei confronti delle sostanze tra i giovani (15-24) in 28 paesi europei.
Di particolare...
Drugs, Brains and Behavior: The Science of Addiction
Since the 1930s, the response to drug addiction has moved from one that focuses on the need to punish users to another that recognises the importance of prevention and treatment approaches.
In other words, thanks to scientific advances...
Perché molti adulti americani abusano di antidolorifici da prescrizione?
Gli antidolorifici da prescrizione sono secondi solo alla marijuana come droga preferita negli Stati Uniti. Circa 91,8 milioni di americani di età pari o superiore a 18 anni hanno utilizzato antidolorifici da prescrizione nel 2014, secondo...
Preventing Marijuana Use among Youth and Young Adults
Preventing Marijuana Use among Youth and Young Adults is a new release from the US Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
It provides the latest facts about marijuana use in the United States and includes...
Changing Patterns of Substance Misuse in Adult Prisons and Service Responses
Inspection findings were supplemented by fieldwork in eight prisons in 2014 to generate an overall picture of drug use and responses to it in prisons in England and Wales. In the face of rapidly changing and varied drug use patterns, policy...
EMCDDA Insights: Prevention of Substance Abuse
Prevention of Substance Abuse by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is a report that draws on evidence-based research to assess substance use prevention interventions, in terms of their ability to...
Principles of Substance Abuse Prevention for Early Childhood
The National Institute on Drug Abuse’s (NIDA) Principles of Substance Abuse Prevention for Early Childhood (2017) is a special volume that supplements the organisation’s Preventing Drug Abuse Among Children and Adolescents, released in 2003...
Online Drinking Interventions Shown to be Effective for Armed Service Personnel
Almost two thirds of men in the UK Armed Forces are considered to drink harmful amounts of alcohol.
This is compared with around one third of the average population.
According to a new study published in the Journal of the Royal Army...
WHO's 2017 Global Tobacco Epidemic Report
The latest report on the global tobacco epidemic from the World Health Organization (WHO) is now available to download.
Among its key findings is that around 4.7 billion people (63% of the world’s population) are now covered by at least...
Preventing Drug-Related Deaths
Drug-related deaths are rising and are a major concern to councils and our health partners. Deaths have increased sharply over the past five years and are now at their highest levels since records began.
Any death related to the misuse...
Use and Knowledge of Contraceptive Methods by Patients in Two Substance Use Disorders Treatment Centers in Paris
Studies on contraceptive use by patients with substance use disorders (SUD) show a concerning low use of contraception. Mainly conducted in USA, they could be irrelevant to patients attending European SUD treatment...
The Effectiveness of Illegal Drug Interventions
This Health Research Board document reviews evidence on the effectiveness of interventions in the areas of prevention, harm reduction and long-term recovery from addiction to illegal drugs.
It asks which interventions are effective for:
...Cosa si sa delle nuove sostanze psicoattive?
Le nuove sostanze psicoattive (NPS), a volte indicate come "legal highs", sono nuove droghe che hanno ricevuto molta attenzione da parte dei media negli ultimi tempi.
Un nuovo studio pubblicato su Public Health Research ha esaminato la...
Il ruolo del cervello nella tossicodipendenza
Recenti ricerche suggeriscono che la compromissione dell'habenula laterale (LB) – la regione del cervello nota per registrare esperienze negative – può contribuire allo sviluppo della tossicodipendenza.
Lo studio, condotto su ratti di...
How to Tackle America’s Opioid Crisis?
Much the result of a poor understanding of how to treat chronic pain, the United States has in recent years been rocked by an unprecedented drug crisis: The opioid epidemic.
Opioids include drugs derived from opium, such as heroin, as...
Mortalità tra una coorte di forti bevitori a Edimburgo e Glasgow
Un nuovo rapporto sulle morti legate all'alcol tra i forti bevitori di Edimburgo e Glasgow è stato pubblicato da SHAAP sulla base di una ricerca finanziata da Alcohol Research UK e dal Chief Scientist Office (Scozia). Il progetto ha...
Towards a New Consensus for Addiction Medicine Training
Drug Misuse and Dependence: UK Guidelines on Clinical Management
There is no more important document for doctors treating problem drug use in the UK than the so-called ‘Orange guidelines’. This major update will substantially inform judgements of what constitutes acceptable medical practice - should...
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