Тиімділік банкінің дәрі-дәрмекпен емдеу матрицасы 3-жол: Дәрігерлер мен препараттар
Дәрiлiк заттарға тәуелдiлiктi медициналық емдеу жөнiндегi соңғы бес бөлiк бойынша онлайн-курс сабақтарын бекiту уақыты. Дәрі-дәрмектер араласуды «медициналық» деп айқын белгілейді, бірақ ешқашан емдеуге болмайды. Айғақтар оларды...
Төтенше жағдайларды басқару субстанцияларды пайдаланудың бұзылуын емдеуді қалай қолдай алады? Жүйелі шолу
Заңсыз есiрткiге тәуелдi адамдарды осы препараттарды пайдаланбағаны үшiн марапаттау даулы тактика болып табылады, Еуропалық Одақтың есiрткiнi мақсатсыз пайдалану орталығының осы баяндамасының бiрi есiрткiге негiзделген емдеу әдістеріне...
Alcohol Industry Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives and Harmful Drinking: A Systematic Review
Background: There is growing awareness of the detrimental effects of alcohol industry commercial activities, and concern about possible adverse impacts of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, on public health...
Improving Quality of Life: Substance Use and Ageing
The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) has released a resource focusing on substance use in ageing populations.
The document covers the consequences of substance use in older adults, health conditions which might...
Psychological and Psychosocial Interventions for Cannabis Cessation in Adults
Objective: Many psychological and psychosocial interventions have been developed to treat regular users of cannabis, but it is unclear which intervention(s) are the most effective. This article aims to assess the effectiveness...
Alcohol and Mental Health: Policy and Practice in England
Many people who misuse alcohol also have a mental health difficulty, and many people with mental health problems also misuse alcohol. Yet few get effective help from either alcohol or mental health services. National...
Overview of European University-Based Study Programmes in the Addictions Field
In 2015, the team from the Department of Addictology (First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague) in cooperation with our colleague from the Department of Community Medicine & Health Care...
SAMHSA Tobacco-Free Recovery Grant 2018
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Center of Excellence for Tobacco-Free Recovery Grant is now open for applications. Offering up to 5 million USD the grant can be used for a range of projects...
Канаданың уытқұмарлықпен күрес жөніндегі жұмыс күшінің құзыреті
Жұмыс күшінің құзыреттері - нашақорлық саласындағы мамандардың қызметін арттыруға мүмкіндік беретін, өз клиенттерінің қажеттіліктерін неғұрлым тиімді қанағаттандыруға мүмкіндік беретін техникалық және мінез-құлық дағдылары. Канаданың...
‘I’m Not a Smoker…yet’: A Qualitative Study on Perceptions of Tobacco Control in Chinese High Schools
Objective: Chinese adolescents’ perceptions about tobacco control at schools are rarely researched. We explored how current antismoking strategies work in middle school environments, as well as the attitudes towards these...
Cost‐Effectiveness of Increasing the Reach of Smoking Cessation Interventions in Germany
To evaluate costs, effects and cost‐effectiveness of increased reach of specific smoking cessation interventions in Germany.
A Markov‐based state transition return on investment model (EQUIPTMOD) was used to...
Glossary of Terms Used in Drug Policy
A glossary of drug policy terminology produced by the Drug Policy Network South East Europe is now available in English and Spanish.
The Drug Policy Network South East Europe (DPNSEE) is an initiative of NGOs from the countries of South...
The European Health Award 2018
Applications are now open for the European Health Awards. Coordinated by the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG), the awards are offered to public health and healthcare initiatives in Europe.
The award focuses on projects disparities...
International Standards on Drug Use Prevention
The second edition of the publication, International Standards on Drug Use Prevention, published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the World Health Organization has been released. The document offers guidance for...
Annual Surveillance Report of Drug-Related Risks and Outcomes
This report presents information on four types of outcomes from the four different data sources:
- Opioid prescribing, 2006-2016, from QuintilesIMS Health®
- Drug use, misuse, and substance use disorder, 2014-2015, from the National Survey...
The National Protocol for Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in Kenya
Substance (Drug) Abuse is increasing in Kenya and especially among the youth. Current statistics indicate that more than half of drug users are aged 10-19 years. Most studies done in the country indicate that the commonly used drugs are...
United Kingdom Drug Situation: Focal Point Annual Report
The United Kingdom Focal Point on Drugs (UK Focal Point) 2017 report is available on the UK government's digital portal.
Based at Public Health England, the UK Focal Point is the national partner of the European Monitoring Centre for...
Тиімділік банкінің матрицалық ұяшығы: Этюд, доза, ұйым
Австралиядан келген семьялық жұмыстар бұларды дәріге тәуелділікті дәрі-дәрмекке негізделген емдеудің үш тірегі ретінде анықтады; олар осы тістің осы емдеу әдістеріне ұйымдасқан әсерлерін барлауының өзегін құрайды. Этюдтер, дозалар және...
Drug Facts from the Australian Alcohol and Drug Foundation
Digital health information about the risks of drugs is available through the Australian Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) website. The searchable online database, Drug Facts, features information about a range of substances which may pose...
Association between Receptivity to Tobacco Advertising and Progression to Tobacco Use in Youth and Young Adults
A study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has found an association with young people being exposed to adverts for electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and taking up smoking later in life.
The study followed 10 989...
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