Medication for the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the Health and Human Services US Government Department (HSS) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) have collaborated to create a manual on...
New Resource Centre from SAMHSA
SAMHSA has launched the new Evidence Based Resource Center which will allow practitioners to find tools, manuals, clinical practice guidelines and science based-resources.
Available directly through the SAMHSA website, the digital...
Adquiriendo un rol protagónico frente a una realidad social olvidada
Adquiriendo un Rol Protagónico frente a una realidad social olvidada
Eduardo H. Loyola Arguello (ISSUP Member)
El Salvador es un país geográficamente pequeño, con una historia caracterizada por el dolor, conflictos y grandes...
New Dataset Made Available from Study of Adolescent Brain Development
In February of 2018 the US National Institute of Health (NIH) released the first dataset from an "unprecedented study of adolescent brain development", the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study.
The study has, to date...
A Randomized, Open Label Trial of Methadone Continuation versus Forced Withdrawal in a Combined US Prison and Jail: Findings at 12 Months Post-Release
Methadone Induction in Primary Care for Opioid Dependence: A Pragmatic Randomized Trial
From France the first study to randomly allocate patients to start methadone maintenance either in primary care or at a specialist centre found primary care more attractive to patients and no less safe or effective at reducing street-opioid...
The American Society of Addiction Medicine Standards of Care
This document is a useful resource for physicians that manage care services of patients with drug use disorders and its related consequences. It is intended to support quality improvement activities conducted by health care provider systems...
Supporting Nurse Mentors to Reduce the Barriers to Implementing Alcohol Interventions and Brief Advice (IBA) in Primary Care
Key Findings
- The findings of this project suggest that providing a relatively low level of support to nurse mentors based in primary care leads to a significant increase in the delivery of IBA.
- There was a marked increase in the...
Recommendations for NIDA's Cannabis Policy Research Agenda
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has released a new report Recommendations for NIDA's Cannabis Policy Research Agenda.
The document has been prepared by the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse Workgroup which was formed...
Mentor Launches Quality Mark for Alcohol and Drugs Education
Mentor UK, an organisation focused on drug prevention and education, have launched a Quality Mark for alcohol and drugs education.
The quality mark has been developed in addition to a set of developmental quality standards for schools...
The International Model of Alcohol Harms and Policies
The Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research at the University of Victoria have released The International Model of Alcohol Harms and Policies.
Comprising of a set of guidelines, methods, and tools this resource was produced with...
Мінез-құлықтық денсаулық сақтау қызметтерінде технологияларға негізделген емдік құралдарды пайдалану
Денсаулық сақтау саласындағы цифрлық мінез-құлық іс-шараларына қызығушылық танытқан кез-келген адам үшін SAMHSA-дан алынған бұл нұсқаулық қызықты болады. Технологияның көмегiмен көмек көрсетудi жүзеге асыру тәртiбiн, бағалауға негiзделген...
Most-Read Knowledge Share Articles of 2017
Клиникалық нашақорлық медицинасында дәрілік заттарды тестілеуді тиісті пайдалану
Клиникалық нашақорлық медицинасында наркологиялық тестiлеудi тиiстi пайдаланудың мақсаты нашақорлықпен ауыратын немесе қауiп төндiрiп отырған науқастарды анықтау, диагностикалау, емдеу, сондай-ақ сауығуға жәрдемдесу кезiнде...
Клиникалық практиканың ғылыми негізделген қолданыстағы нұсқауларын бейімдеу тәртібі
Мақсаты: АДАПТЕ шеңберiнiң принциптерiн пайдалана отырып, жұмыс iстеп тұрған сапалы КЖҚ-ны бейiмдеуге мүдделi тараптарды тарту жолымен Канадада темекi шегудi бас тарту үшiн клиникалық практиканың әдiстемелiк нұсқауларын (КЖҚ)...
Role of Nurses in Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services
This resource describes the many potential roles of nurses in alcohol and drug treatment in England to help commissioners and providers of specialist adult alcohol and drug treatment services to recruit the right workforce to meet local...
Салынып жатқан ми – дамып келе жатқан миға терезе
Салынып жатқан ми – дамушы миға терезе – Тәлімгер-Адепистің жаңа дебюті. Ол «Brain Under Construction» атты шағын сериалдың бір бөлігін құрайды, ол кәсіпқойларға өздері қолдайтын жастарды жақсы түсінуге көмектесуге бағытталған. Дамушы миға...
School-Based Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention – What Works?
School-Based Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention – What Works? is a new briefing paper published by Mentor-Adepis. It outlines several approaches that have been shown to work effectively, and issues cautions about those that have not...
A Socioecological Approach to Addressing Tobacco-Related Health Disparities
Tobacco use remains the nation’s leading cause of preventable premature death, including death from cancer, and progress in reducing tobacco use and related disease and death has not been equally distributed across population groups. This...
Principles of Substance Abuse Prevention for Early Childhood
The National Institute on Drug Abuse’s (NIDA) Principles of Substance Abuse Prevention for Early Childhood (2017) is a special volume that supplements the organisation’s Preventing Drug Abuse Among Children and Adolescents, released in 2003...
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