Learning together: Progressing Decriminalisation in Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Poland & Maine
There has been substantial progress in the discussion and implementation of decriminalisation of drugs in the past 10 years. The issue is more broadly discussed and is more central to wider discourse around drug use and drug harms...
VNGOC Survey - civil society engagement towards 2024 and beyond
VNGOC want to hear from their members and other interested civil society organisations how they envision meaningful civil society engagement with the Vienna-based agencies involved in setting drug policy.
Deadline for responses: 31 May...
Pakistan Youth Organization organized side event to showcase common position on drugs during CND
Pakistan Youth Organization (PYO) in collaboration with VNGOC Asia Pacific region working group has organized a hybrid side event in MEO 79 to showcase a common position on drugs drafted by VNGOC Asia Pacific region working group in Vienna...
UK Drug Strategy
The International Journal of Drug Policy has published a special collection of articles focusing on UK drug strategy.
The collection includes:
- Introduction to special section on UK drug strategy
- Words matter: A commentary on the new UK...
The Global Report on Cocaine 2023
Why do guidelines on what is low-risk drinking vary between countries so much?
The evidence of the harms done by alcohol consumption continues to build. However, despite the clear data, safe drinking guidelines vary between countries.
This article, published in the Guardian, explores the different factors that are...
Drug Policy in the UK: A Matter of Crime or Health
Join the VNGOC/ NYNGOC Ad-Hoc Working Group for NGOs in Latin America
Post-Pandemic Cannabis and Gambling Policy Changes to Attract Tourists May Lead to Future Health Problems and Costs
After the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, on 11 March 2020, governments worldwide imposed a range of national restrictions and physical distancing measures. This included stay-at-home policies, the closure of...
The risk matrix: Drug-related deaths in prisons in England and Wales, 2015–2020
Call for Speakers: side event at the 2023 ECOSOC Partnership Forum
The VNGOC together with NYNGOC and the UNODC Civil Society Unit is organizing an online side event in the margins of the 2023 ECOSOC Partnership Forum on 31 January 2023 at 8.30 AM. The event is titled: The central role of civil society in...
HIV and Substance Use: Reading List
World AIDS Day takes place in December each year. This reading list contains a list of research, publications and resources for practitioners relating to HIV/Aids. We also have a network dedicated to HIV and HCV where you can find a...
HIV and people who use drugs: Factsheet
The 2021-2026 Global AIDS Strategy has bold and critical new targets on realizing human rights, reducing stigma, discrimination and violence and removing harmful punitive laws as a pathway to ending inequalities and ultimately ending AIDS.
...Legal responses to novel psychoactive substances implemented by ten European countries: An analysis from legal epidemiology
Novel psychoactive substances (NPS) continue to pose challenges to law enforcement authorities, public health officers and policymakers as suppliers continuously adapt to control measures, thus remaining highly...
New Training for Medical Providers: Integrating Addiction Medicine With Treatment Courts
NADCP is partnering with the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) to offer a new training for medical providers working with participants in drug treatment courts. This training will help medical providers learn how to successfully...
Czech National Policy on Addictions and Priorities of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2022
The Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU (CZ PRES) takes place from 1 July to 31 December 2022 in difficult times. EU Member States are currently facing several challenges, including the impact of the health, economic, energy and...
Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS)-SA: Implementation, Results, and Implications for Policy
How to Inform Policy and Decision Makers About Evidence-Based Substance Use Policy and Prevention
How to Inform Policy and Decision Makers About Evidence-Based Substance Use Policy and Prevention.
Matej Košir
The environmental impact of tobacco products: Time to increase awareness and action
"There is increasing recognition of the negative environmental effects of tobacco products. However, further research, policy and public awareness are needed to address the environmental harms caused by the tobacco industry."
Changes in Emergency Department Visits for Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome Following Recreational Cannabis Legalization and Subsequent Commercialization in Ontario, Canada
Importance Prior research suggests that the legalization of recreational cannabis is associated with increases in cannabis hyperemesis syndrome (CHS), but it is unclear how cannabis commercialization (ie, greater retail store...
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