Reducing the risk factors and enhancing the protective factors associated with initiating substance use.
Role of Research-Practice-Policy Partnerships in Optimizing Prevention Science and the Use of Research Evidence: Understanding the Pre-and Post-Migration Experiences of Venezuelans Migrating to the United States and Colombia: A Qualitative Analysis
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Carolina Scaramutti University of Miami
Mary H. Soares University of Miami; Seth...
Peran kemitraan penelitian-praktik-kebijakan dalam mengoptimalkan ilmu pencegahan dan penggunaan bukti penelitian: Evaluasi Efikasi Program Elos di Sekolah Brasil
Abstrak ini dipresentasikan pada Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting 2018 yang diselenggarakan 29 Mei – 1 Juni 2018 di Washington, DC, AS.
Universitas Federal Daniela Ribeiro Schneider Santa Catarina;
Zila M. Sanchez Unive...
Role of Research-Practice-Policy Partnerships in Optimizing Prevention Science and the Use of Research Evidence: Building Prevention Infrastructure Around the World: An International Comparison of “Communities That Care” Coalitions in Germany and Chile
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Nicole Eisenberg University of Washington;
Frederick Groeger-Roth Crime Prevention...
Role of Research-Practice-Policy Partnerships in Optimizing Prevention Science and the Use of Research Evidence: A Multi-Level Parenting Skills Package for Families Living in Challenging Settings
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Wadih E. Maalouf United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Virginia Molgaard Iowa State...
Role of research-practice-policy partnerships in optimizing prevention science and the use of research evidence: Optimizing Implementation at Scale in Low-Resource Settings Using Routine and Trial Data from the Parenting for Lifelong Health Interventions
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Inge Wessels Clowns Without Borders South Africa
Jamie Lachman University of Oxford; Lucie...
Peran kemitraan penelitian-praktik-kebijakan dalam mengoptimalkan ilmu pencegahan dan penggunaan bukti penelitian: Mphatlalatsane: Promosi Perkembangan Kognitif, Tes HIV dan Dukungan Pengobatan, dan Pendidikan Gizi di Pedesaan Lesotho
Abstrak ini dipresentasikan pada Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting 2018 yang diselenggarakan 29 Mei – 1 Juni 2018 di Washington, DC, AS.
Sarah Skeen Universitas Stellenbosch
Universitas Mark Tomlinson Stellenbosch...
Role of research-practice-policy partnerships in optimizing prevention science and the use of research evidence: Integration of a Parenting Program within a Conditional Cash Transfer System for Low-Income Filipino Families with Children Ages 2 to 6
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Jamie Lachman University of Oxford
Liane Pena Alampay Ateneo de Manila University; Maria...
Role of research-practice-policy partnerships in optimizing prevention science and the use of research evidence: Development of an Academic and Community-Based Organizations Partnership between Togo and the United States to Embed Implementation Research
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Kevin P Fiori Montefiore Medical Center,
Albert Einstein School of Medicine; Jennifer...
Research, Policy, and Practice: Emerging Adults: A Cross-National Comparison of Adjusted and Maladjusted Population Groups at Age 25 in USA and Australia
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Elizabeth Clancy Deakin University
George Youssef Deakin University; Tony LaMontagne D...
Penelitian, Kebijakan, dan Praktik: 'Mengapa Saya Harus Melewatkan Begitu Banyak Sekolah?' Pengalaman Klinik Remaja Afrika Selatan yang Hidup dengan HIV
Abstrak ini dipresentasikan pada Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting 2018 yang diselenggarakan 29 Mei – 1 Juni 2018 di Washington, DC, AS.
Universitas Kedokteran Tiarney Ritchwood Carolina Selatan
Yayasan HIV Asantewa Oduro...
Penelitian, Kebijakan, dan Praktik: Intervensi Pengasuhan untuk Mencegah Kekerasan Terhadap Anak di Negara Berpenghasilan Rendah dan Menengah di Asia Timur dan Tenggara: Tinjauan Sistematis dan Meta-Analisis Multi-Level
Abstrak ini dipresentasikan pada Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting 2018 yang diselenggarakan 29 Mei – 1 Juni 2018 di Washington, DC, AS.
Amalee R. McCoy Universitas Oxford
Universitas Frances Gardner Oxford; Universitas GJ...
Penelitian, Kebijakan, dan Praktik: Efek Kausal Suplemen Pendapatan pada Kesehatan dan Perkembangan Anak: Tinjauan Sistematis
Abstrak ini dipresentasikan pada Pertemuan Tahunan Society for Prevention Research Research 2018 yang diselenggarakan pada 29 Mei – 1 Juni 2018 di Washington, DC, AS.
Universitas Amelie Petitclerc Northwestern
Universitas Dorota...
Promoting equity and decreasing disparities through optimizing prevention science: Implications of the Mother-Child Fluency Gap for Maternal School Involvement
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Machele A Anderson Oklahoma State University Tulsa
Karina M. Shreffler Oklahoma State...
Promoting equity and decreasing disparities through optimizing prevention science: Power Differentials between Sexual Partners and Knowledge of HIV Status in Latino MSM
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Ben Parchem George Washington University
Ana Maria del Rio Gonzalez George Washington...
Promoting equity and decreasing disparities through optimizing prevention science: ‘My Best Friends and My Worst Enemies’: Understanding the Roles of Families in Retaining South African Adolescents Living with HIV in Care
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Tiarney Ritchwood Medical University of South Carolina
Noluthando Ntlapo Desmond Tutu HIV...
Promoting Equity and Decreasing Disparities through Optimizing Prevention Science: Student Risk Behaviors and School Prevention Efforts in Kenyan Primary Schools: Perspectives of Teachers and School Administrators
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Yu Lu University of Texas Medical Branch
Mary Gitau Clarke University; Peter Gitau Dixi...
Mempromosikan Kesetaraan dan Mengurangi Kesenjangan melalui Mengoptimalkan Ilmu Pencegahan: Spesifisitas Budaya dan Pengembangan Intervensi Efektif untuk Keluarga Imigran Latin di Oregon
Abstrak ini dipresentasikan pada Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting 2018 yang diselenggarakan 29 Mei – 1 Juni 2018 di Washington, DC, AS.
Universitas Deanna Linville Oregon
Pendahuluan: Selama dua dekade terakhir, tim...
Promoting equity and decreasing disparities through optimizing prevention science: Traditional Gender Roles and the Narrowing Gender Gap in Substance Use Among Urban Early Adolescents in Mexico
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Stephen S. Kulis Arizona State University
Flavio F. Marsiglia Arizona State University; B...
Promoting equity and decreasing disparities through optimizing prevention science: Cultural Adaptations of Psychotherapy: Therapists’ Applications of Conceptual Models with Asians and Asian Americans
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Gordon N. Hall University of Oregon
Introduction: Although conceptual models of...
NIDA International SPR Poster Session: Concurrent Validity of Adolescent Risk and Protective Factors for Substance Use in Colombia
This abstract was presented at the 2018 Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting which was held May 29 – June 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, US.
Pablo Montero-Zamora University of Miami
Eric Brown University of Miami; María Fernanda...
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