Trends in Alcohol-Related Deaths by Sex in the US, 1999-2020
Importance Alcohol consumption rates have been increasing among women in the US, which may affect mortality rates and sex gaps. Therefore, conducting a comprehensive assessment of sex differences in alcohol-related deaths is...
Use of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Among Adults With Past-Year Opioid Use Disorder in the US, 2021
Despite guidelines recommending MOUD, approximately 1 in 5 adults with past-year OUD received any MOUD. Furthermore, some groups were substantially less likely to receive MOUD, in particular Black adults, women, those unemployed...
Konsultasi Pemangku Kepentingan Negara tentang perlindungan anak
Konsultasi Pemangku Kepentingan Negara tentang Perlindungan Anak dengan tema "Anak Berkonflik dengan Hukum: Pencegahan, Keadilan Restoratif, Diversi, dan Alternatif untuk Penahanan" diselenggarakan oleh Komite Peradilan Anak, Pengadilan
...Clinical Supervision in Botswana
Perbedaan jenis kelamin dan gender dalam risiko HCV dan kaskade perawatan di antara orang-orang yang menyuntikkan narkoba
Seminar ini mengeksplorasi mengapa penting untuk mempelajari perbedaan jenis kelamin dan gender pada orang yang menyuntikkan narkoba, dengan mengacu pada contoh yang relevan dengan risiko hepatitis C dan kaskade perawatan. Ini termasuk...
UNODC conducted Regional Training of Trainers on UTC 20 in Central Asia
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia in collaboration with Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, UNODC HQ held a Regional Training of Trainers (ToT) on Course 20 – “Populations with Special Clinical Needs” which took place...
Perempuan, Agama, Gangguan Penggunaan Zat (SUD) dan Stigma
Children and families affected by parental drug use
Stress and substance use among sexual and gender minority individuals
Sexual and gender minority individuals face marked disparities in substance use.
This narrative review explores research on substance use in sexual and gender minority communities. The authors define the sexual and gender minority...
Association Between Daily Alcohol Intake and Risk of All-Cause Mortality A Systematic Review and Meta-analyses
Importance A previous meta-analysis of the association between alcohol use and all-cause mortality found no statistically significant reductions in mortality risk at low levels of consumption compared with lifetime nondrinkers...
Exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare and substance use service access among women who inject drugs: a qualitative study
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted healthcare and substance use services engagement, including primary and mental health services as well as residential and outpatient drug treatment. Women who inject drugs (WWID) face...
Accounts of women identified as drinking at ‘high risk’ during pregnancy
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is associated with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), and women who drink at higher levels are more likely to have a baby with FASD.
Efforts to better understand and respond to ‘high risk’ drinking...
Predictors of substance use disorder symptoms among women in Katsina State, Nigeria
A publication on predictors of substance use disorder symptoms among women in Katsina State, Nigeria.
Paparan dini terhadap ganja dan konsekuensi jangka panjang di otak
The 9th Anniversary of Ahsania Mission Women Drug Treatment Centre
Social stigma is the main obstacle for female substance users’ treatment.
Social stigma is the reason why females who use substances are unwilling to seek treatment. The rate of substance abuse among the female is frightfully increasing...
Determinants of cigarette smoking and smoking frequency among women of reproductive age in Nigeria: evidence from a nationwide cross-sectional survey
In the entire world, smoking is a major contributor to preventable deaths and years of life with a disability. Nevertheless, little is known about the factors that influence women's smoking habits. This study evaluated the...
Seminar on “Psycho-Education about Drugs and Child Abuse” for Drug Use Prevention in Schools, Colleges and Universities by Department of Psychiatry Poonch Medical College Rawalakot-AJK in Collaboration with ISSUP Pakistan, Pakistan Psychiatric Society AT
Seminar on “Psycho-Education about Drugs and Child Abuse” for Drug Use Prevention In Schools, Colleges, and Universities organized by Department of Psychiatry Poonch Medical Collage Rawalakot-AJK in collaboration with ISSUP Pakistan Chapter...
Penghargaan Ecolink menghormati dua wanita berprestasi
Ecolink Institute di India telah menghormati dua profesional wanita luar biasa yang terlibat dalam pencegahan dan pengelolaan Gangguan Penggunaan Zat, sehubungan dengan perayaan Hari Perempuan Internasional.
Odireleng Kasale, seorang...
Bahasa Stigma dan Gangguan Penggunaan Zat
Hambatan dan fasilitator untuk mengakses pengobatan penggunaan narkoba bagi orang-orang yang menggunakan narkoba di komunitas Muslim
Tinjauan sistematis ini, yang diterbitkan dalam ketergantungan narkoba dan alkohol mengeksplorasi hambatan dan fasilitator untuk mengakses perawatan rawat inap dan penggunaan zat masyarakat dan layanan pengurangan dampak buruk bagi orang...
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