Main Afzal Trust Hospital (MATH) Reopens Treatment Services for Women and Children/Adolescents in New Block
Main Afzal Trust Hospital (MATH), Gujranwala, Pakistan reopens treatment & rehabilitation services for women and children/adolescents in a new twenty bed block.
This project was previously supported by Colombo Plan and INL.
This project...
Main Afzal Trust Hospital (MATH) Reopens Treatment Services for Women and Children/Adolescents in New Block
Main Afzal Trust Hospital (MATH), Gujranwala, Pakistan reopens treatment & rehabilitation services for women and children/adolescents in a new twenty bed block.
This project was previously supported by Colombo Plan and INL.
This project...
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Nonmedical Prescription Opioid Use Among Transgender Girls and Young Women
Importance: Nonmedical prescription opioid use is a pressing public health issue in the United States. Transgender youth, including adolescent girls and young women who were assigned male at birth and currently identify as women...
A Collaborative Approach to the Treatment of Pregnant Women with Opioid Use Disorders
This manual offers best practices to states, tribes, and local communities on collaborative treatment approaches for pregnant women living with opioid use disorders (OUD), and the risks and benefits associated with medication-assisted...
TIP 51: Perawatan Penyalahgunaan Zat: Mengatasi Kebutuhan Khusus Wanita
Panduan ini membantu penyedia dalam menawarkan perawatan kepada wanita yang hidup dengan gangguan penggunaan zat. Ini meninjau penelitian khusus gender dan praktik terbaik, seperti pola umum penggunaan awal dan masalah dan...
Associations of Psychosocial Factors with Multiple Health Behaviors: A Population-Based Study of Middle-Aged Men and Women
Background: The health behaviors smoking, risky alcohol consumption, insufficient physical activity, and poor diet constitute the main contributors to non-communicable diseases. Clustering of risk behaviors is common and...
Ahsania Mission Female Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center Observes International Women’s Day 2020
Reflecting the theme - “I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women's Rights”, Ahsania Mission Female Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center organized a human chain formation followed by a discussion meeting in collaboration with Dhaka...
Women and Smoking Seminar
While men are currently more likely to smoke than women, this sex/gender gap is narrowing globally. This is especially concerning given that compared to men, women are at higher risk for smoking-related adverse health effects and also have...
Developmental Nicotine Exposure Engenders Intergenerational Downregulation and Aberrant Posttranslational Modification of Cardinal Epigenetic Factors in the Frontal Cortices, Striata, and Hippocampi of Adolescent Mice
Maternal smoking of traditional or electronic cigarettes during pregnancy, which constitutes developmental nicotine exposure (DNE), heightens the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders including ADHD, autism, and...
Substance Use among Women and Children in Afghanistan: The Complexities of an Important Public Health Issue
National surveys of substance use among those living in Afghanistan show multiple substances are easily accessible and commonly used in combination. Substance use in Afghanistan is complex, compounded
by the fact that almost half (48%) of...
Women and Children are the Emerging Face of Drug Addiction in Afghanistan
Q breaks into song, and the lyrics reflect something of himself: "My heart aches, my heart aches and my heart aches," he croons. The 10-year-old hopes to go professional one day, but his mother says that first, he has to break his addiction...
Mengangkat! "Pencegahan Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan yang Hidup dengan Orang dengan Gangguan Penggunaan Zat
Angkat! "Pencegahan Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan yang Hidup dengan Orang dengan Gangguan Penggunaan Zat"
Terima kasih khusus kepada Institute of Clinical Psychology UoK, Pakistan US Alumni Network, Initiator Hdf SNYC, DFPF, Wajid Ali Rizwa...
Women Using Heroin in Kenya: Why It’s Important to Intervene Early in Life
Recreational drug use in Kenya is common among men, women, and youth from both rural and urban environments.
Heroin is the primary drug taken by injection in Kenya and it is linked with increased rates of HIV transmission.
Pengalaman Wanita dengan Gangguan Penggunaan Zat di Pusat Perawatan: Studi Eksplorasi
Wanita dengan masalah penggunaan zat juga membentuk populasi dengan kebutuhan spesifik gender, yang belum mendapat perhatian yang cukup dalam pengembangan kebijakan dan layanan perawatan. Kesenjangan dalam intervensi spesifik...
Depresi dan Pesta Minuman Keras di antara Pasangan dan Pasangan Militer
Diakui bahwa konsumsi alkohol berbahaya lebih umum di antara mereka yang pernah bertugas di angkatan bersenjata Inggris.
Namun ini bukan hanya masalah bagi individu yang telah bertugas di ketentaraan. Dalam sebuah studi baru-baru ini yang...
Tobacco Use Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Young Adults
It is recognised that smoking and use of tobacco products among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) young adults is higher compared to their heterosexual and cisgender peers.
Although it is believed that within the LGBTQ...
Pola Penggunaan Zat Khusus Gender dan Asosiasi dengan Faktor Individu, Keluarga, Teman Sebaya, dan Sekolah pada Remaja Portugis Berusia 15 Tahun: Analisis Regresi Kelas Laten
Masa remaja adalah periode kritis kerentanan terhadap penggunaan narkoba. Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan gender dalam penggunaan zat remaja sangat kompleks dan dalam fluks konstan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk...
Infografis Gender dan Alkohol
Bukan tanpa Ponsel saya: Alkohol Pesta Minuman Keras, Kekerasan Gender dan Teknologi dalam Budaya Keracunan Spanyol
Praktik pesta minuman keras dalam beberapa dekade terakhir telah mengkonsolidasikan apa yang dikenal sebagai 'budaya keracunan' di kalangan anak muda Spanyol. Ini bertepatan dengan peningkatan penggunaan teknologi ponsel dan...
Gender Differences in the Bidirectional Relationship between Alcohol Consumption and Sleeplessness
The degree to which the relationship between alcohol use and sleeplessness is unidirectional or reciprocal is unclear due to great variation among the results of previous studies. The aim of the present study was to...
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