Clinical Guidance for Treating Pregnant and Parenting Women with Opioid Use Disorder and their Infants
This Clinical Guide provides comprehensive, national guidance for optimal management of pregnant and parenting women with opioid use disorder and their infants. The Clinical Guide helps healthcare professionals and patients determine the...
Perbedaan Gender dalam Penggunaan Zat dan Tekanan Kejiwaan di antara Mahasiswa Kedokteran
Latar: Kesehatan mahasiswa kedokteran telah muncul sebagai masalah penting dalam pendidikan kedokteran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan penilaian komprehensif tentang penggunaan narkoba, tekanan psikologis, dan...
Efek Jenis Kelamin dan Usia pada Lintasan Depresi pada Pengguna Opioid selama Perawatan Pemeliharaan Metadon
Pendahuluan: Baik penggunaan heroin dan depresi adalah masalah kesehatan yang signifikan. Perawatan pemeliharaan metadon (MMT) dapat sangat bermanfaat bagi pengguna heroin. Namun, perubahan tingkat depresi pada pengguna heroin selama MMT...
Is Young Adolescents’ Self-Esteem Predicted by Peer Acceptance? A Gender Perspective
Olivier Gaudet, Justin Vollet, Marie-Helene Veronneau, Thomas Kindermann, Cécile Mathys
Introduction: Self-esteem influences youth’s mental and physical health (Tzesniewski et al., 2006) and is central to adolescent development. During...
Predictors of Violence against Women in Costa Rica
Derby Munoz-Rojas, Warner Cavero, Mary Solano-Rivera
Introduction: Violence against women (VAW) is a worldwide public health problem that affects women regardless their age, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. VAW is a complex...
Gender Differences in Risk Factors for Adolescent Binge Drinking & Implications for Interventions
Alcohol use, particularly binge drinking (BD), is a major public health concern among adolescents. Recent national data show that the gender gap in alcohol use is lessening, and BD among girls is rising. Considering the increase in BD among...
Drug Use in Adolescence: Association with Gender, Parenting Practices, Self-Efficacy and Future Time Perspective
Luis G. A. Vinha, Nayara D M A A Khouri, Sheila Giardini Murta
The use of both illegal and legal drugs among adolescents poses a serious problem to societies worldwide. In this sense, it is fundamental to determine the risk and protective...
The Effectiveness of CHOICE-F on Women Freshman College Students in Reducing Substance Use and Other Risk Behaviors
Valeriy V. Ryabukha
Introduction: The transition to college life is a key risk period for young women. The college years are the time many young people first experiment with alcohol, while others move from experimentation to frequent use...
Gender and Regional Differences of Cigarette Smoking and Alcohol Consumption
Jinsong Tang, Yanhui Liao
Introduction: Generally, the prevalence of cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption in male Chinese is higher than that in female Chinese. However, little is known about the regional differences in prevalence of...
Topik Hangat Bank Efektivitas: Pengasuh yang 'Terlupakan'
Salah satu pilihan topik hangat kami tentang isu-isu penting yang terkadang menimbulkan perdebatan sengit. Baik sebagai sumber pengobatan untuk pasien dan kelompok yang membutuhkan dukungan dalam hak mereka sendiri, keluarga yang terkena...
Evaluation of a Federally Funded Mass Media Campaign and Smoking Cessation in Pregnant Women
Objectives: In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention initiated a national anti-smoking campaign, Tips from Former Smokers (Tips). As a result of the campaign, quit attempts among smokers increased in the general...
Women and Substance Use
Objectives: To explore contextual factors that increase vulnerabilities to negative sexual and reproductive health (SRH) outcomes and possible differences in SRH-related behaviours and the needs of women who use drugs (WUD)...
Gender Differences in the Alcohol-Related Alterations in Cortical Activity
Background: Long-term alcohol use is known to harm brain functioning in adolescence. In the central nervous system, the effects of alcohol are particularly mediated by alterations in GABAergic neurotransmission. Combining simultaneous...
Penggunaan Narkoba di antara Siswa Transgender di Sekolah Menengah dan Menengah Umum California
Remaja transgender menghadapi tekanan sosial yang luar biasa dalam keluarga dan sekolah, yang sering menyebabkan kesenjangan kesehatan perilaku. Studi ini menilai apakah tingkat penggunaan narkoba lebih tinggi di kalangan...
Laporan Akhir: Penggunaan Opioid, Penyalahgunaan, dan Overdosis pada Wanita
Ringkasan Eksekutif
Laporan ini dikembangkan sebagai bagian dari inisiatif Dari Departemen Kesehatan dan Layanan Kemanusiaan AS (HHS) Office on Women's Health (OWH) untuk memeriksa masalah pencegahan, pengobatan, dan pemulihan bagi wanita...
Binge Drinking and Total Alcohol Consumption from 16 to 43 Years of Age Are Associated with Elevated Fasting Plasma Glucose in Women
Studies have indicated that moderate alcohol consumption is associated with lower incidence of diabetes in women. However, not only the amount but also the drinking pattern could be of importance when assessing the...
Guidelines on Drug Prevention and Treatment for Girls and Women
The publication Guidelines on Drug Prevention and Treatment for Girls and Women by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) discusses alcohol and drug use prevalence and trends among girls and women globally.
The document...
Gender-Specific Predictors of At-Risk Adolescents’ Hazardous Alcohol Use
Previous research has found strong associations between adolescents’ hazardous alcohol use and their perception of peer behavior, as well as own spending money and a range of antisocial behaviors. However, there is...
Does the Effect of Alcohol on the Brain Differ between Men and Women?
New research published in the journal Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging has found that the effects of alcohol on the reward system in the brain may differ between men and women.
The reward system is a grouped structure in the brain that...
Pedoman untuk Identifikasi dan Manajemen Penggunaan Zat dan Gangguan Penggunaan Zat pada Kehamilan
Pedoman ini berisi rekomendasi tentang identifikasi dan pengelolaan penggunaan zat dan gangguan penggunaan zat untuk layanan perawatan kesehatan yang membantu wanita yang sedang hamil, atau baru saja memiliki anak, dan yang menggunakan...
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