Trauma exposure across the lifespan among individuals engaged in treatment with medication for opioid use disorder: differences by gender, PTSD status, and chronic pain
There is little research on lifetime trauma exposure among individuals undergoing medication treatment for opioid use disorder (MOUD). A multisite study examined the prevalence of lifetime trauma and explored differences based...
Trauma exposure across the lifespan among individuals engaged in treatment with medication for opioid use disorder: differences by gender, PTSD status, and chronic pain
Background: Limited research has been conducted on lifetime trauma exposure among individuals undergoing medication treatment for opioid use disorder (MOUD). A multisite study provided an opportunity to investigate the prevalence of...
People who use drugs engagement in substance use disorder services and harm reduction: evaluation, challenges and future direction of a community-based intervention
Since 1996, an urban community-based organization has been providing screening, testing, overdose prevention, referrals, and access to treatment for substance use disorders (SUD) and communicable diseases such as HIV through...
Trauma exposure across the lifespan among individuals engaged in treatment with medication for opioid use disorder: differences by gender, PTSD status, and chronic pain
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Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and its Specifics at Temporary Foster Care Institution in the Czech Republic: Study Protocol
INTRODUCTION: Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) is a condition unique to a newborn that results from the abrupt cessation of chronic intrauterine drug exposure following birth. Slightly persistent, late onsetting, or slowly fading-out...
Learning platform for multi-disciplinary professionals
The International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC), with the support of the U.S. Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (J/TIP) and in collaboration with ECPAT International, invites you...
Narcissistic Phenomena in Patients with Substance Use Disorder: Narrative Review
The interplay between pathological narcissism and substance use disorder (SUD) complicates diagnosis and treatment planning. A lack of clarity and consensus surrounding the different forms of narcissism has made it difficult...
The Government of Uganda (GOU) is making every possible effort to improve the health and socio-economic conditions of the people of Uganda in line with the policy of poverty eradication.
The government recognizes the role that alcohol...
Science of Self-Care: How It Helps and Why It Matters
Addiction professionals from Central Asia enhanced knowledge on working with population with special clinical needs
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia held a Regional Training of Trainers (ToT) on Course 20 – “Populations with Special Clinical Needs” which took place in person in Dushanbe, Tajikistan on 23-27 October 2023. This course is a part...
Performing solidarity? A scoping review of alcohol marketing to sexual and gender minorities
Harmful alcohol use is more prevalent among sexual and gender minorities (SGMs) than their cisgender/heterosexual counterparts. The reasons for this are complex, incorporating alcohol’s normalization and availability in social...
International Journal of Addiction Research (RIIAD) - Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023): July - December
Here you can find the latest release of the International Journal of Addiction Research (RIIAD). Revista Internacional de Investigación en Adicciones (RIIAD) is a forum of Centros de Integración Juvenil hopes, aimed to promote the...
Gender-Based Violence among Women who Use Drugs: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study in 6 EU Countries
INTRODUCTION: The prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV) among women who use drugs (WWUD) is reportedly two to five times higher than among those who don’t use. This study aimed to analyse GBV experienced by WWUD in 6 EU countries.
Gender differences in physical morbidity in opioid agonist treatment patients: population-based cohort studies from the Czech Republic and Norway
Background: Physical health problems are common in people receiving opioid agonist treatment (OAT). A study was conducted on these health issues in OAT patients in the Czech Republic and Norway from 2010 to 2019, with a focus on gender...
Integrating Wellness in the Addiction Recovery Process
Children and parents affected by drug use: An overview of programmes and actions for comprehensive and non-stigmatising services and care
After exploring the views of women and children, respectively, in Volumes II and III of this series, the fourth volume offers a perspective of how to develop more comprehensive, child-centred approaches in drug policies in general and in...
Listen to the silence of the child: Children share their experiences and proposals on the impact of drug use in the family
Following an initial publication in 2022 on children whose parents use drugs, the Pompidou Group has continued research on this topic by giving 110 women who use drugs, in 11 different countries, the opportunity to provide their testimonies...
Working with families: Reading list
Exploring the dynamics of substance use's ripple effect within families reveals a complex web of emotions, relationships, and challenges. These recommended readings explore the impact that substance use can have on family members. Through...
Supporting displaced people from Afghanistan and host communities in neighbouring countries – UNODC regional workshop on drug use prevention, treatment and care
From 5th to 9th June, UNODC organized a hybrid regional workshop with a total of 42 participants from the government, civil society organizations (CSOs) and UN agencies, to assist the strengthening of evidence-based prevention, treatment...
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