Campagna Inspire Freedom - IOGT International
La campagna Inspire Freedom – Insieme per donne e ragazze – ogni 25 è la campagna comunitaria di punta di IOGT International per promuovere i diritti delle ragazze e delle donne e per porre fine alla violenza di genere, prevenendo la...
PUAN Call for Nominations Everest International Model UN Conference 15-19 luglio 2019, Kathmandu, Nepal
Saluti. Felici di condividere un'opportunità entusiasmante, di seguito vengono forniti brevi dettagli:
PUAN Call for Nominations Everest International Model UN Conference
15-19 luglio 2019, Kathmandu, Nepal
La missione...
Xchange Prevention Registry
Xchange is an online registry of evidence-based prevention programmes. In its first phase, the registry will make available manualised interventions that European evaluation studies show have beneficial outcomes relating to substance use...
Claremont’s UPC Media Summer Institute Programme
Un'alternativa promettente ai farmaci antidolorifici oppioidi
C'è un problema crescente di abuso di oppioidi da prescrizione, dipendenza da oppioidi e overdose. Ciò evidenzia la necessità cruciale di trovare un farmaco alternativo privo di dipendenza che possa essere utilizzato per trattare il dolore...
University Survey: What Do You Think about Drug Use?
Liverpool John Moores University is conducting a new research study and is inviting people from the UK to take part.
This study investigates what members of the public think about issues related to illegal drug use and involves...
Infografica e report sulla comorbilità
Il termine "comorbilità" descrive due o più disturbi o malattie che si verificano nella stessa persona. Possono verificarsi contemporaneamente o uno dopo l'altro. La comorbilità implica anche interazioni tra le malattie che possono...
Efficacia di un nuovo pacchetto di servizi multicomponente per smettere di fumare per i pazienti con ipertensione e diabete nel nord della Thailandia
Smettere di fumare è un cambiamento comportamentale realizzabile, che riduce i rischi di malattie cardiovascolari, tumori e malattie legate al tabacco. C'è bisogno di un efficace servizio per smettere di fumare per le...
A Mobile Clinic Approach to the Delivery of Community-Based Mental Health Services in Rural Haiti
This study evaluates the use of a mental health mobile clinic to overcome two major challenges to the provision of mental healthcare in resource-limited settings: the shortage of trained specialists; and the need to improve...
Trends in Self-Poisoning and Psychotropic Drug Use in People Aged 5–19 Years
Objectives: To characterise trends in self-poisoning and psychotropic medicine use in young Australians.
Design: Population-based retrospective cohort study.
Setting Calls taken by the New South Wales and Victorian Poisons...
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: UPDATED Long-Acting Buprenorphine an Advance on Daily Doses
*Updated with UK licensing information and advice released in February 2019 by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence*
What could prove a technical advance in the medication-based treatment of dependence on heroin and...
La gioventù e l'Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
142 milioni di giovani in età secondaria superiore non vanno a scuola.
71 milioni di giovani sono disoccupati.
Mettere a frutto le competenze e i talenti dei giovani porterà alla prosperità economica per tutti!
Il Rapporto mondiale...
Scholarships for European Alpbach are now open! August 2019 in Alpenbach, Austria
Scientific exchange and international dialogue is taking place in August 2019 in Alpenbach, Austria.
The call for applications is aimed at young people under 30 years of age from all over the world who want to come to Alpbach with their...
Adolescent Beliefs About Hookah and Hookah Tobacco Use and Implications for Preventing Use
Hookah tobacco use is popular among youths and there is evidence that perceived risks and normative beliefs are associated with hookah use. The aim of this study was to further examine associations between...
The Response of Retailers in Scotland to the Standardised Packaging of Tobacco Products Regulations and Tobacco Products Directive
With most marketing channels prohibited, the retail environment has assumed greater importance for tobacco companies, even in markets with a ban on the open display of tobacco products. Research has yet to...
Standard di prova per la conduzione e la rendicontazione di valutazioni economiche nella scienza della prevenzione
Oltre un decennio fa, la Society for Prevention Research ha approvato i primi standard di evidenza per la ricerca in interventi preventivi. Il crescente riconoscimento della necessità di utilizzare risorse limitate per...
Drug-Induced Prolonged Corrected QT Interval in Patients with Methadone and Opium Overdose
Iran is a country with the highest rate of opioid addiction in the world. The most commonly used opioid in Iran is opium, and methadone is in second place. The trend of drug use has changed from opium to methadone...
A Rapid Systematic Review of What We Know about Alcohol Use Disorders and Brief Interventions in the Criminal Justice System
– The purpose of this paper is to review the evidence of alcohol use disorders within the different stages of the criminal justice system in the UK. Furthermore it reviewed the worldwide evidence of alcohol brief interventions...
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: Feedback on Client Progress among Most Effective Ways to Improve Outcomes
Findings amalgamated for the American Psychological Association show that providing therapists real-time feedback from the client (including substance use clients) on their progress and how to improve it is among the most effective ways...
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