Conference speakers

In alphabetical order

Sultan Albrahim

Dr. Sultan Albrahim is a Consultant Psychiatrist at Naufar, the national substance use disorder service for Qatar. Dr. Albrahim specializes in treating Substance Use Disorders (SUD) and co-occurring mental health conditions, leveraging his extensive clinical experience across Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Qatar.

Julaine Allan

Julaine specialises in practice-based research. Her research focus areas include healthcare for vulnerable groups, particularly people who use drugs.

Stelios Angeloudis

Stelios Angeloudis was born and raised in the Ano Poli district of Thessaloniki.He is married and is the father of two children.

He graduated from the Law School of the Hellenic Military Academy of Combat Support Officers. He reached the rank of Captain before resigning to practice law.

In 1985, he obtained his second degree in Law with a specialization in Public Law, from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Quang Anh Mai

Quang Anh Mai, an LGBTQI+ member, a compassionate advocate and a social worker, has dedicated 13 years to transformative work in addiction, HIV and mental health. For a decade, he served at the Center for Training and Research on Substance Abuse and HIV (Hanoi Medical University).

Joy Osagiator Ariyo

Joy Ariyo is a clinical psychologist with over a decade's experience in the substance use prevention and treatment space. She is passionate about sharing her experience with adaptation of psychotherapeutic interventions in substance use care and mentoring younger professionals in the field.

Remos Armaos

Remos Armaos is an educational researcher-evaluator specializing in digital learning, Director of Education at KETHEA and Adjunct Professor in Adult Education at the Hellenic Open University. His academic background is on digital learning and cognition.

Stephen Asatsa

Dr. Stephen Asatsa is a senior lecturer in the department of Psychology at the Catholic university of Eastern Africa. He holds a PhD (Counseling Psychology) from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

Ioulia Bafi

Psychologist, Head of the Greek Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Alcohol (EKTEPN), which is also the EMCDDA’s Focal Point. EKTEPN operates under the Athens University Mental Health Research Institute.

Yatan Pal Singh Balhara

Dr Yatan Pal Singh Balhara is currently serving as an Additional Professor of Psychiatry at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India. At AIIMS, he runs the Dual Diagnosis Clinic and Behavioral Addictions Clinic.

Robert Balster

Dr. Robert Balster is the Luther A. Butler Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical College of Virginia campus in Richmond, Virginia USA

Abel Basutu

Abel Basutu (Ph.D), Senior Drug Control Programme Officer at the African Union Commission where he has been coordinating continental drug policy development and programme implementation since 2010.

Dedsy Berbesi

Dedsy Berbesi, PhD, who was the Director of the National Observatory of Mental Health in Colombia from 2013 to 2014, is the manager of the Colombia ITTC. She is the Dean of Nursing Faculty and a Research Coordinator at the Medical School at CES University in Medellin, Colombia.

David Best

David Best is a professor at Leeds Trinity University; honorary professor at The Australian National University; Honorary Adjunct Professor at Monash University (Australia); president of the Recovery Outcomes Institute (ROI, USA) and Affiliate Senior Scientist at the Public Health Institute (California, USA).

Drusilla Blinker

I am a youth leader and agent of change. I have a bachelor's degree in Social Human Studies with a major in Psychology. I work at Foundation Liefdevolle Handen as the Quality Assurance Manager and peer educator.

Michael Botticelli

Michael Botticelli is the former Executive Director of the Grayken Center for Addiction Medicine at Boston Medical Center and a Distinguished Policy Scholar at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Anja Busse

Programme Officer, Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section Programme Officer at the Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section of the UNODC Drugs, Laboratory and Scientific Services Branch - has been involved since 2005 in the implementation of UNODC’s global projects on drug dependence treatment and care in different functions.

Fernanda Dal Maso Camera

Graduated in Physiotherapy from the Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA) in 1999, Specialist in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy from Santa Casa de São Paulo (2000), Master of Science in the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme from the Federal University of São Paulo (2005) and PhD in Health Sciences (UNESC/SC) 2016.

Giovanna Campello

Chief, UNODC Prevention, Treatment & Rehabilitation Section. Ms. Giovanna Campello has more than 25 years of experience with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in supporting Member States and stakeholders at all levels in improving their drug prevention response applying and contributing to scientific evidence.

Marcela Carballo

Associate Professor Department of Neuroscience and Learning, Co-coordinator of the Diploma in Problems related to substance use: understanding and evidence-based approaches. Catholic University of Uruguay.

Sergio Chacón

Psychologist with a Master's degree in social and community psychology. I have 27 years of experience in project and team management in both private and government organizations.

Jac A. Charlier

Jac Charlier is the Executive Director of TASC’s Center for Health and Justice (CHJ) and Executive Director and co-founder of the Police, Treatment, and Community Collaborative (PTACC). He is a co-founder of the international deflection movement, and works to grow and develop the global field of deflection from research to legislation to policy to practice.

Cecilia Chau

Director of the master's degree in addictions and addictive behaviors at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) and a full-time principal professor in the Academic Department of Psychology of the PUCP

Prapapun Chucharoen

Dr. Prapapun Chucharoen led the creation and establishment of the Non-Degree (Training), master (MA) and postgraduate (PHD) addiction study program at Mahidol University. She completed her Ph.D. in Neuroscience in 2003 and Research fellowship at Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2008.

Dave Closson

Dave Closson is dedicated to serving substance misuse prevention professionals, law enforcement officers, and military veterans. With a focus on sustainable habits, aligned experiences, and next-level excellence, Dave helps others achieve their full potential.

William Crano

Distinguished Professorship in Psychology: CGU Division of Behavioral & Organizational Sciences. MS and PhD from Northwestern University. 

Rachele Donini

Since 2007 Rachele Donini is at the head of the Drug Prevention Unit in the local health agency in Savona-Italy. Her current work is about drug prevention planning and implementation, project management, and European project planning.

Andria Eisman

Dr. Andria Eisman’s research interests center around improving adolescent health through the effective implementation of evidence-based drug use prevention interventions in schools.

Oriol Esculies

Psychologist. For the last 28 years I have been assisting people with substance use disorders in Proyecto Hombre, one of the largest non-profit organizations for drug prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration in Spain.

Vivienne Evans

Vivienne Evans OBE is the Chief Executive of Adfam, the national umbrella organisation for children and families affected by someone else’s substance misuse.  She has a long history of senior positions in the public and charity sectors with  a  background in drug and alcohol education,  prevention and young people, and families and substance misuse policy and practice.

Michael Ezenwa

Michael Ezenwa is a Professor of Clinical Psychology in the Department of Psychology at Nnamdi Azikiwe University where he serves as a member of the Directorate of Psychological and Counselling Services, the Research Ethics Committee and the Programme Coordinator, Master of Science Degree and Professional Master of Science Degree in Employee Assistance Programme.

Dala Fakhreddine

Dala Fakhreddine is a licensed clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. She specialized in addiction in France in 2002. Back in Lebanon, she has worked at Skoun, one of the first outpatient treatment centres, for the last 17 years.

Maria Fernandez

Maria Eugenia Fernandez is a lectuter and researcher at the Department of Psychology, Universidad Católica del Uruguay. The main areas of research are alcohol and marijuana adolescents consumption in relation to mental health and psychological well-being. 

Xavier Ferrer

Xavier Ferrer, Ph.D., is a clinical psychology specialist and health promotion expert with over four decades of experience in addiction research and training. As the Director of the postgraduate Master's Degree on Drug Dependence at the University of Barcelona for 37 years, he has graduated over 700 professionals from 17 countries.

Lindsey Friend

Lindsey Friend is a Research Training and Career Development Program Officer (Health Science Administrator) in NIDA’s Office of Research Training, Diversity, and Disparities. Her priority is to assist NIDA’s extramural research training and career development programs.

Giovanna Garofalo

I have a degree in Biology and specialize in Medical Genetics. I work at the Casa Rosetta Association where I have been responsible for the Medical Genetics Laboratory and the Genetic Counseling Center, since 1992. Since 2003, I have been involved in training in the health sector, and since 2008, through projects with UNODC, in management of training of professionals on prevention,

Roberto Perez Gayo

Roberto Perez Gayo is a researcher, university teacher and social designer working in the fields of harm reduction, public health, social justice and innovation. Currently, they serve as the Head of Policy of Correlation - European Harm Reduction Network.

Boro Goic

Boro Goic, Chairperson of the Recovered Users Network (RUN), Bosnia and Herzegovina.In 2013 Boro Goic became Chair of Recovered Users Network (RUN), a unique platform which represents the voices and rights of previous users.

Carolina Gorlero

Experienced psychologist and course developer with over 15 years of practice in different projects, areas and programs. Clinical Specialist and Team Manager in Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders, both treatment and prevention level.

Renata Habinakova

Currently based as junior researcher at the Department of Addictology. My areas of interest are prevention science, quality assurance, prevention education, drug addiction.

Hamad AlGhafri

Former DG of NRC, Abu Dhabi, UAE (WHO Collaborative Centre). ISAM President. ICUDDR Board member.

Nadine Harker

Nadine Harker is employed as a Specialist Scientist in the Mental Health, Alcohol, Substance Use and Tobacco Research Unit of the South African Medical Research Council. She is also Deputy Director: Substance Use Programme in the Unit.

Geoffrey Henderson

Justice Geoffrey Henderson is a former Judge of the International Criminal Court, The Hague and is a Judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

Cho Hyunseob

Currently a professor in the Department of Addiction Rehabilitation Counseling. For 33 years, I have operated a research and counseling center in the field of addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling, games, internet, smartphones, sex, etc.).

Luhya Ismail

My name is Luhya and I am a 23 years old Special Educator. I have been working as a teacher since I was 19 and have recently started working as a part-time lecturer at a local college.

Suzette Jackson

Suzette Jackson, a Pākehā Māori (Te Ātiawa) woman, is employed as a researcher at Higher Ground Drug Rehabilitation in Auckland, New Zealand. She is a registered social worker and currently works as a trauma and addiction counsellor.

Bawo James

Addiction psychiatrist, Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Benin City Director of the Nigeria International Technology Transfer Centre (Nigeria ITTC)

Jairat Gina Jaturapataraporn

Ms. Jairat Gina Jaturapataraporn serves as a coordinator of Thailand Technology Transfer Center (ITTC) and a guest lecturer at the Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business Administration, Chiang Mai University.

Michael W. Johnson

Michael is currently the Senior Managing Director for Behavioral Health at CARF International, a role he has held since 2013.  In this role, Michael is responsible for the development of standards in behavioral health to maintain currency with the field, interfacing with regulatory entities and payers, consultation and training, and market development.

Joel Johnson

Joel Johnson serves as President and CEO of TASC (Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities), a nonprofit organization in the U.S. that specializes in care coordination and case management for people with substance use and mental health disorders.

Hendrée E. Jones

Hendree Jones, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine; The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 

Rehana Kader

Dr Rehana Kader (Ph.D) is a Clinical Psychologist at Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa. Hon. Senior Lecturer( Department of Psychiatry & Mental Health, University of Cape Town) Associate Staff ( Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drug Research Unit,South African Medical Research Council).

Jimena Kalawski

Since 1997, Jimena Kalawski has worked in the field of consumption in different contexts. As director of several treatment programs, she later developed and implemented outreach programs, as well as individual and family psychotherapy.

Fofo Kaleva

Mrs Fofo Kaliva is Pediatrician with a postgraduate degree in Public Health.

In 2003 she was hired at the 1st Health Prefecture of Greece. Since 2009 she has been working at the Ministry of Health, specifically at the Directorate of Public Health and the department of Public Health Physicians of the NHS.

Phaedon Kaloterakis

Phaedon Kaloterakis (BRE,MWS), is the Director of KETHEA ITHAKI, KETHEA being one of the largest drug treatment organizations in Europe. Phaedon has been involved with the addiction field since 1980 and is a much sought after speaker worldwide at international conferences on addiction and has published many articles and scientific papers.

Beatrice Kathungu

Dr. Beatrice Kathungu is a faculty member in the Department of Psychology at Kenyatta University, Kenya. She is a practicing Psychologist and Clinical supervisor in the field of Counseling Psychology and addiction treatment in Kenya.

Olga Katsiokali

Olga Katsiokali has studied social administration (MSc) and psychology. She is a systemic family therapist and a certified "Guided Imagery and Music" therapist. 

Jason Kew

As a police officer, Jason came to understand the unintended consequences and subsequent damage caused by marginalisation and inequality within the justice system and became a passionate advocate for challenging stigma and diverting people away from the criminal justice system.

Eirini Koufaki

Eirini Koufaki is a PhD psychologist, specialized in drug addiction, school bullying and school psychology. She is currently working as a Scientific Director in the Centre for the prevention of Addictions and the Promotion of Psychosocial Health – OKANA (Greek Organization against Drugs), Larissa.

Igor Koutsenok

Igor Koutsenok, MD, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California San Diego, Director of the UCSD Center for Criminality and Addiction Research, Training and Application, Director of the International Addiction Technology Transfer Center-Ukraine.

Laurie Krom

Laurie Krom, EdD(c) is a Program Director in the Collaborative Center to Advance Health Services at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Ms. Krom is a leader in grant development and implementation, having received multiple large federal awards.

Aristea Ladas

Dr. Ladas completed her PhD in 2013 which was awarded by the University of Sheffield. Her topic was neuroplasticity and specifically bilingualism and its effects on attention throughout the lifespan.

Sotiris Lainas

Dr. Sotiris Lainas is a Psychologist, who holds an MSc and a PhD in the field of addictions. He works as the deputy Scientific Supervisor of Self Help Promotion Program, project of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Antonio Lomba

Antonio Lomba serves as Chief of the Institutional Strengthening Unit at the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), Secretariat for Multidimensional Security of the Organization of the American States (OAS).

Amalie Lososová

Amalie Lososová, MA, PhD is an academic and researcher at the Department of Addictology, 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. Graduate from master´s and PhD programme Addictology.

Wadih Maalouf

Dr. Wadih Maalouf coordinates the drug prevention response globally for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, he has more than 20 years of experience with  supporting health responses to drugs and disseminating good practices in the prevention of drug use.

Jissel Vanessa Maitín

Bachelor of Law and Political Science, Postgraduate in Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods, and Master's in Mediation, Negotiation, and Arbitration. With over 20 years of experience in the public sector in the administration of justice, specializing in Gender, Human Rights, and Drug Policies.

Rania Mamdouh

Rania Mamdouh MD, M.Sc. is an Assoc Professor of Psychiatry, Psychiatry department, Addiction Psychiatry Unit, School of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt. Egypt National Observatory for Drug Use Technical committee. Manager of "Serenity Girls " Psychiatric and Addiction Rehabilitation Center for women.

Flavio Marsiglia

Dr. Marsiglia is Regents Professor and Director of the Global Center for Applied Health Research (GCAHR) at ASU. GCAHR conducts prevention research in partnership with universities and communities in the US and in 14 other countries.

Angela Martins

Ag. Director, Social Development, Culture and Sport, African Union Commission.

Anne Mathu

In 2023, the government of Kenya appointed me as a Board member of NACADA (National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse).

Susan Maua

Susan holds an MA in Counselling Psychology (USIU-Africa) and a BPsy (Counselling) from University of Nairobi. She is a Global Master Trainer in UPC Series and has conducted a number of trainings in Africa, Asia and the Middle East in the last 9 years.

Ibraheem Mhaidat

Ibraheem is a dedicated and highly skilled specialty nurse with a focus on Substance Use Disorder (SUD) patients. Holding a master's degree in nursing, Ibraheem is committed to making a positive impact in the healthcare field. His passion lies in improving resilience in patients facing SUD and exploring effective methods to achieve this goal.

Raffaella Milani

Assoc. Professor Raffaella Margherita Milani is a Chartered Psychologist (British Psychological Society) and Course Leader for Addiction Studies at the University of West London. She is member of the ISSUP-UK board and Trustee for Addiction Professionals.

Michal Miovsky

Michal Miovský is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. In January 2012 he became the head of the Department of Addictology, an independent institution created by the merger of the Centre for Addictology and the Addiction Treatment Unit of the General University Hospital (“U Apolináře”).

María Carmen Sánchez de Molinas

Carmen Sánchez is a Pediatrician from the National University of Asunción. She is a specialist in the treatment of Addictions and Teaching in Higher Education. Among her accomplishments are: Obtained the Certificate of Completion Course 1,2 of Child Curriculum Plan Colombo – INL Campinas- San Pablo.

Mariano Montenegro

Dr. Mariano Montenegro is a medical doctor and psychiatrist of University of Chile with an MSc in Substance Addiction (University Miguel Hernández Alicante, Valencia España y OEA/CICAD), and more than 29 years of experience in public policy and training in demand reduction, as well as clinical treatment of people with problems of drug use.

Silvia Morales-Chainé

Silvia Morales Chainé has been a Psychology Faculty of the Autonomous National University of Mexico professor since 1999. She received a Psy.D. in Psychology with a concentration in Experimental Analysis of Behavior and an M.D. specializing in Addictions Psychology from UNAM.

Malsha Muneer

I am Malsha, currently 25 years old. I finished my postgraduate in developmental psychology when I was 23. I am currently an aspiring researcher, a lecturer, a director of a company, and a soon-to-be psychologist.

Nahla Nagy

Dr. Nagy graduated from Medical School , Ain Shams University, Cairo , Egypt 1988. She completed her residency in Neurology and Psychiatry 1990- 1993 and had Masters Neuropsychiatry 1992 and MD degree in psychiatry 1996.

Hala Najm

Hala Najm is a registered pharmacist holding a master's degree in public health from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. She furthered her education through the Fulbright Hubert Humphrey Fellowship, specializing in substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery at Virginia Commonwealth University, USA.

Faridah Nakoma

Faridah Nakoma holds a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology from Makerere University. Since 2013 she has been lecturing at the Department of Psychology at Kyambogo University.

Maggie Nardi

Global Programs and Policy, Africa and the Middle East, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement. Maggie Nardi assumed the role of Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) covering the offices of Global Programs and Policy and Africa and the Middle East in the INL Bureau in January 2024.

Diep Nguyen

Dr. Nguyen Bich Diep is a researcher and lecturer at Hanoi Medical University, holding both a medical degree and a PhD in epidemiology. Specializing in addiction medicine, she actively engages in research, training, and clinical supervision in Vietnam.

Duc Nguyen

Mr. Nguyen Cuu Duc, Ph.D. is Deputy Director General of the Department of Science, Education, Culture and Social Affairs, Office of the Government of Vietnam. He is also a member of the National Committee on AIDS, Drugs and Prostitution Control of Vietnam and advisor of the International Technology Transfer Center in Vietnam.

Minh Nguyen

Minh Nguyen is a Virginia Commonwealth University sophomore pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, concentrating in Applied Psychology and a minor in Computer Science.

Mulka Nisic

Mulka Nisic is a Research Officer at the Centre for Hate Studies, University of Leicester, Secretary General of RUN- Recovered Users Network; and a founding member of the Global Gender Committee within the World Federation Against Drugs.

Rita Notarandrea

A strategic Senior Executive with over 35 years of leadership experience in the Canadian health care sector, and, more specifically, in both the MH and Substance Use and Addiction fields.

Gabriela Novotna

Dr. Gabriela Novotna is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Regina, Canada and a Co-Director of the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit [SPHERU].

Cristina Núnez

Sociologist with a specialization in International Relations, Master's in International Cooperation and Integration, Master's in Prevention and Support for Addictive Behaviors, Diploma in Development Cooperation.With broad knowledge of social problems, research, and international cooperation.

Carmen Orte

BSc in Psychology and PhD in Educational Sciences at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). Director of the Official University Master's Degree in Socio-educational Intervention in Childhood, Adolescence and Family (MIS2). Director of the Master's Degree in Addictions (EUPC-UTC). Principal Investigator of the Educational and Social Research and Training Group (GIFES).

Caroline Pereira

Professor at the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo (EEUSP); member of the Centre for Nursing Studies and Research in Addictions - Alcohol and Other Drugs (NEPEAA); core member of the Brazilian Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care: Centre of Excellence of the JBI

Becca Petros

Becca Petros has a masters degree in linguistics from Northeastern Illinois University and has worked for the Detroit Recovery Project since 2020 where she has helped run programs under their Recovery Training Institute.

Marina Piazza

Dr. Marina Piazza is the International Technology Transfer Center Director of Peru and has significant research, consulting, and clinical experience in the development and implementation of alcohol, drugs, and mental health prevention, intervention, and promotion programs at the local and national level.

Irina Pinchuk

Dr. Irina Pinchuk is а Director of the Institute of psychiatry of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, President of the Association Psychiatrists of Ukraine, Head of ISSUP Chapter Ukraine, member of the Board of Directors of ICUDDR and Country Director of International Technology Transfer Center (ITTC Ukraine).

Vendula Pokorná

Counselling worker in substance use and prevention and research worker with a focus on counselling telephone quitline and postgraduate education of workforce in adictology.

Rodrigo Portilla

Master in Public Health, Specialist in Continuous Quality Improvement by the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI); Psychologist from Universidad Católica de Chile. He has more than 20 years of experience in the field of addictions.

Amy Ronshausen

Amy Ronshausen is the Executive Director of both Drug Free America Foundation, Inc. and Save Our Society From Drugs (S.O.S.), national nonprofit organizations that work prevent substance abuse, increase access to evidence-based treatment, and promote sustained recovery.

Patricia Ross

Clinical Psychologist by the University of Barcelona and Master in Group Analytical Psychotherapy and Organizations by the University of Deusto. Responsible for the Municipal Service of Prevention of Addictions from the year 2000 until June 2018.

Elisa Rubini

Elisa Rubini is a consultant with the Institutional Strengthening Unit at the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Commission of the Organization of the American States (ES-CICAD/OAS).

Sindy Oliveira Nobre Santiago

Ms. Santiago is a Brazilian Lawyer specialized in Civil Law, Constitutional State and Religious Freedom. She is a senior associate attorney at Santiago, Almeida e Moriconi Law Firm. Her law practices focus on public law and human rights. She has worked extensively on immigration and human rights abuse cases involving migrants, refugees, and minorities from different nationalities resettling in Brazil and other Latin American countries.

Salman Shazad

Professor Dr. Salman Shahzad is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and working as Professor of Clinical Psychology, at the Institute of Clinical Psychology, the University of Karachi, Pakistan. He is currently leading as Clinical Incharge, and Incharge “Research and Training Unit for prevention and treatment of SUD” at the Institute of Clinical Psychology (ICP).

Goodman Sibeko

Goodman Sibeko MBChB, Ph.D. serves as Associate Professor and Head of the Division of Addiction Psychiatry at the University of Cape Town, and as Director of the US Department of State-funded International Technology Transfer Centre - South Africa.

Fernando Salazar

Fernando Salazar is a Principal Professor at the Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University. Fernando started his involvement with substance use and people’s well-being when he directed two national studies for DEVIDA, the National Secretariat of Peru that deals with drug demand reduction.

Charlotte Sisson

Charlotte A. Sisson, M.A. is a Senior Foreign Affairs Officer within the Office of Global Programs and Policies in the Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. 

Kristiana Siste

Kristiana Siste, MD, PhD, is the Chairperson of the Psychiatry Department, Medical Faculty, Universitas Indonesia–Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital.

Zili Sloboda

Zili Sloboda, ScD. is the founder and President of Applied Prevention Science International, a not-for-profit focused on training and supporting prevention professionals worldwide. She was trained in medical sociology at New York University and in mental health and epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Rina Apriliani Sugiarti

I work at National Narcotics Board, a government agency in one of Indonesia's province responsible for minimizing the abuse of licit and illicit substances in Indonesia. My special interest is in treatment for drug users that is in line with my education, Master in Clinical Psychology.

Dace Svikis

Dr. Svikis is a Professor in the Departments of Psychology, Psychiatry and Obstetrics/Gynecology at VCU. She also serves as Deputy Director, VCU Institute for Women's Health and Director of the AWHARE Program (Addiction and Women's Health: Advancing Research and Evaluation).

Sue Thau

Sue Thau is a Public Policy Consultant representing CADCA. She is nationally recognized for her advocacy and legislative accomplishments on behalf of the substance abuse prevention field. She has an extensive background in public policy and has held high positions at the federal, state, and local levels.

Athanasios Theocharis

Athanasios Theocharis is a Political Scientist with a robust academic background, holding both an MA in International relations and an MBA. He has held pivotal management roles in several private companies and public organizations, adopting his leadership, strategic planning capabilities, and change management skills.

Ashwin Thind

Ashwin is a clinical director and clinical psychologist specialising in substance use disorders, sexually compulsive behaviours, and trauma. He works in both residential and outpatient settings.

Trang Nguyen Thu

Nguyen Thu Trang, PhD, has a background in clinical psychology and political science. Her expertise includes qualitative research and behavioral interventions. She has been involved in research, training and technical assistance on treatment for substance use disorder for professionals throughout Vietnam.

Jallal Toufiq

Professor of Psychiatry, Rabat Faculty of Medicine, University Mohamed V, Morocco. President of the United Nations International Narcotics Control Board, Vienna, Austria. Professor of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat, Morocco. Director of the Arrazi University Psychiatric Hospital of Salé, Morocco.

Irene Tsalera

Irene Tsalera is an educational counselor, actress and drama instructor. She has been working in KETHEA since 2000, holding a position that organize, implement and evaluate educational programs for the special population of drug users and ex-users.

Anna Tsiboukli

Anna Tsiboukli, PhD, Assist. Professor of Lifelong Learning, Group Dynamics, Adult Education, Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA).

Vi Thi Tuong Vu

Vu Thi Tuong Vu, a current Ph.D. student at Brandeis University-Heller School, has over 18 years of experience leading addiction treatment programs and coordinating initiatives in Vietnam. She was formerly a head of the drug addiction treatment program at Ho Chi Minh City AIDS Committee.

Jorge Ameth Villatoro Velazquez

He is a graduate of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He has been a professor at UNAM and several private universities. He is an Academic Advisor of the Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology at Incarnate Word University.

Terrence Walton

Terrence D. Walton is executive director of NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals, a United States-based non-governmental organization (NGO).  He has provided addiction-related consultation and training to governments, intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, and others in the United States, Canada, Vietnam, Colombia, Taiwan,  Indonesia, Bolivia, Barbados,  Mexico, Bermuda, and elsewhere.

Greg Williams

Detective Superintendent, National Organised Crime Group, New Zealand Police (WG 1 East).

George A. H. Williams

A consistent advocate for the health, rights, and responsibilities of people and communities involved with the justice system. I advocate with state and federal lawmakers to promote sound criminal justice policies that address health needs and racial disparities among justice populations.

Andreas Alexander Hein Willius

Andreas Hein is a trained Psychologist (U. de Chile) with a Master degree in Sociology (P. U. Católica de Chile) and a PhD in Evidence-Based Social Intervention (University of Oxford).

Michele Worobiec

Michele Worobiec is a recognized international expert who works to make communities safe and healthy through policy, legislation, multi system-based strategies, and best practices.

Efthimios Xatzitheoklitos

Efthimios Chatzitheoklitos studied Medicine at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and is a Doctor at the same University. After obtaining his specialty in General Surgery in Athens, he was further trained in England, Germany and Switzerland. He served as an attending at Ippokrateio Hospital and Papageorgiou Hospital of Thessaloniki.

Lee Edson P. Yarcia

Dr. Lee Edson P. Yarcia is a lawyer and a physician working in the field of public health and human rights. He currently serves as the National Programme Officer of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in the Philippines.

Gemma Yarwood

Gemma is a Reader in Sociology and Criminology and Deputy Director of the Substance Use and Associated Behaviours (SUAB) research group at Manchester Met University, UK.

Ali Yassine

Ali Yassine holds two Master's degrees, one in Public and the other in International Relations. He is an International Public Health Specialist at the Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation Section at UNODC HQ in Vienna.

Natalia Zachartzi

Natalia Zachartzi graduated from the University of Lincolnshire & Humberside Hull Campus in 2004 receiving her BA(Hons) in Social Work. Since 2008 she has been the Scientific Director of the Centers for the Prevention of Addictions and the Promotion of Psychosocial Health SEIRIOS (Municipality of Thessaloniki in collaboration with OKANA – Organisation Against Drugs). As of 2020, she is a member of the Board and the coordinator for ISSUP Greece.